5 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Reagan Entigu
I have an issue in analyzing the graph to determine the IC50 for drug A and C which are categorized as a mitotic inhibitor and B is HDACi. I know the possible reason is could be mitotic slipage...
26 September 2016 7,303 7 View
I am currently undertaking my PhD on drug combination against nasopharyngeal carcinoma, NPC. I am screening various targeted therapies and chemotherapies with aim to come out with the best...
22 February 2016 6,283 4 View
My university's -80 freezer just broke down and the repair will take 4 months according to the vendor. Is there any other way to preserve cells? Maintaining lot of flasks until the freezer is...
13 April 2015 5,101 6 View
Hi, I would like to know how important it is to have specific field of study stated in my transcript? My background is in cancer research so I thought that Biotechnology or Applied Biology is not...
01 January 1970 9,679 4 View
Hi, I am having some issue with our rocker. It broke down and it will take time to be fixed. Is there any other solution for me to proceed western blot without rocker? It seems to be impossible....
01 January 1970 1,424 4 View