13 Questions 121 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raheam A Mansor Al-Saphory
Many children get flu disease in the winter? Does this disease affect the risk of developing type 1 diabetes?
01 January 2018 7,582 1 View
why the total citations of contributions in google scholar and Research gate are different?
05 May 2017 8,842 36 View
Do you have experience in the use of stem cell technology in the treatment of Type I diabetes for children?Is this a successful technique for Type I diabetes? What is the success rate and whether...
09 September 2016 6,514 10 View
There are many journals that have a website and claim to have impact factor and has supported by organization or corporation of publishing?How can we characterize those fake magazine?
01 January 2016 8,861 43 View
Especially, A lot of math in undergraduate students come without desire?How do we encourage them?
02 February 2015 1,090 60 View
Is the impact factor and its calculation method fair and equitable?What is the best way, to publish in journals online or manually? Is there an effect to the factor of the journals increase or...
02 February 2015 509 70 View
If you have linear dynamical systems with infinite dimensional distributed systems. How can determine the initial gradient state if we have state equation with initial state and augmented by...
02 February 2015 7,124 6 View
In some of the countries of the world there is only one domain of either researcher or instructor?Does this affect the instructor's achievements in the field of scientific research?
01 January 2015 1,297 26 View
What are the causes?Is there a way of treating non-insulin injection needles?Can it be cured?My query is related to the Case of a child six years old and 3 month subjected to severe fear?
01 January 2015 9,663 25 View
Tex, latex, Latex, WinEdt, or editor or Microsoft Word 2003,2007, 2010, 2013. When you submit an article to publish in a journal as Msw.doc you come across some journals who don't accept that...
03 March 2014 287 9 View
There is a problem when some of the students in the classroom is a lack of focus with a professor while teaching, especially in mathematics. Sometimes boredom or lack of interest or any other...
03 March 2014 6,748 11 View
We know that there is a problem in the understanding of mathematics topics for students at colleges of universities. There are those who do not like mathematics science. How do we reconcile to...
03 March 2014 280 11 View
There are those who say necessity is the mother of invention. Are the difficulties and the problems and suffering of the ٍScientist incentives? Or is it only a source of frustration? And to what...
03 March 2014 1,416 15 View