19 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raghuram Tattamangalam Raman
Hi, I am interested to know if there is any relationship between Static Pull-out (Release) voltage and Dynamic Pull-out (Release) voltage in fixed-free MEMS cantilever. In literature, I find that...
21 April 2019 5,100 0 View
Hi all, Consider two capacitors, say "C1" and "C2" connected in series. And a voltage source "V" is applied. How can the charge "Q" be calculated practically? I understand that the charge "Q"...
01 April 2019 1,274 11 View
Could you please let me know the reason for the oscillatory response of the MEMS electrostatic cantilever beam when released (i.e., when voltage is removed)? I understand that a similar "bouncing"...
04 January 2019 3,813 5 View
Dear all, Please help me to obtain the charge-voltage chara of a capacitor in circuit simulator (Like LTSpice / QUCS). The simulator gives the voltage across and current through the capacitor....
28 May 2018 9,186 3 View
Dear all, Please provide some good help / reference documents or texts to understand the Finite Element Analysis using getDP tool .It would be great if anyone can provide the detailed...
14 March 2018 7,189 3 View
Dear all, 1) I am a new to the area of Finite Element Analysis. I want to understand the Finite Element formulation for "MEMS Electrostatic Actuator" that can be applied to any FEA tool (say any...
07 March 2018 9,512 3 View
Hi all, Please suggest me different CAD tools available for MEMS that will allow me to integrate other devices with MEMS (device description is based on differential equations) to study the...
27 February 2018 977 4 View
Hi all, Can you please explain the "Dynamic Pull-in" concept in electrostatic parallel plate MEMS actuators? I would like to know "in detail" about its causes and effects. How is it related to...
17 January 2018 1,987 2 View
Hi All, Could you please explain me how to measure the Early Voltage of a BJT experimentally in lab (Undergraduate Electronic Devices Lab)? I am also interested to know the different parameters of...
23 December 2015 5,939 5 View
Hi all, I want to know exactly what happens in the hardware when HLT command (Halt) is executed in a micro-processor or micro-controller. I have read that it functions in power-saving mode. Could...
05 March 2015 7,855 2 View
Hi all, The gain of an inverting op-amp amplifier is given as -Rf/R1. However, there can be many possible configurations depending on these resistor values, all providing the same gain. For eg: a)...
10 December 2014 4,170 96 View
How does Data Direction Register (DDR) pull up resistor circuit work in Atmega Micro controllers, configuring the registers to function as Output and Inputs depending on the DDR values 1 and 0...
22 July 2014 7,437 1 View
Holes are fictitious and are considered as absence of electrons. But why is hole mobility less than that of electron?
10 July 2014 7,975 32 View
I have a Verilog-A code snippet for MOSFET, but I do not know where (any good free Verilog-A Simulators) and how to simulate the code to get the VI chara of the device. Could someone please...
17 June 2014 5,905 5 View
To work in modelling of ISFET (Ion Sensitive Field Effective Transistor), is it essential to have the device fabricated? If so, is it feasible to fabricate one at a laboratory/ Project level? I...
19 January 2014 4,790 2 View
Usually in many contexts, while substituting, it is assumed z=e^jw and s=jw (w=frequency). But actually, z=r*e^jw and s=σ + jw. Why do we assume r=1 and σ=0 always?
21 December 2013 5,601 21 View
I would like to know the areas where FPGA / CMOS Analog Design and Control Systems are related? I am a beginner in FPGA and thus planning to learn Verilog. And would like to apply it in Control...
21 December 2013 3,117 2 View
I would like to know of the freeware/tools for learning VLSI design. Cadence/Mentor Graphics are the best preferred ones usually but they are licensed and quite costly too. So are there any...
10 December 2013 2,804 17 View
Could someone please describe half band filters and how to design them using FIR filters? What are its significance in multi-rate signal processing?
22 November 2013 6,301 3 View