7 Questions 70 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from R. Selvam
Any estimation formula for calculating peptide yield before starting synthesis? if there give me a formula with explanation. For example. Resin loading capacity is 0.71mmol /SPPSfor achieving...
04 February 2015 4,143 9 View
I have synthesized many peptides 6-73amino acid sequences, after purification, some peptides get denatured from pure white powder form, the powder disappeared and just very less oily nature...
31 December 2014 7,392 5 View
For solid phase peptide synthesis which solvent is better? I have used DCM, DMF and NMP. which is a given efficient coupling? And the reason for this is PS-TPGD, Merifield Resin and Rinkamide...
30 December 2014 7,486 14 View
I Need to store synthetic peptide for years, whats the condition and storage method for this, some peptide degeneration takes place even in moisture free -200c. can you suggest any effective...
22 December 2014 3,287 11 View
From this peak table how we know our sample purity? Am analyzing Synthetic peptides and proteins. After HPLC we are doing MALDI,ESI-MS etc but from HPLC what what info we can able to find, please...
14 December 2014 2,545 7 View
Dear experts, I am doing research in biologically active peptides and proteins synthesis. I have synthesized so many biological peptides, but due to our busy schedule, I need to buy some products...
10 December 2014 9,765 3 View
Dear Experts We are research group involved in Peptide / Protein based research. We are looking to Cut / Fragment a 109 amino acids peptide in particular position, also we are looking to focus in...
01 January 1970 2,292 4 View