17 Questions 100 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Patricia Ryser-Welch
Metaheuristic, evolutionary computation, selective and generative hyper-heuristics/meta-programming often focus on some similar set of optimisation problems. I was wondering if those involved...
19 October 2017 1,606 5 View
Let's imagine a generative hyper-heuristics generates very short metaheuristics. No limitation of the length of the algorithms has been given in some inductive bias. Is it really necessary to...
20 February 2017 6,353 5 View
Readability is the ease of understanding a text. Metrics are used to measure readability in written material. In computer science, some metrics are also used to measure the complexity of...
29 April 2016 1,355 2 View
I have studying the size of my training sets. I am wondering if there is an "ideal" size or rules that can be applied. I am thinking of a generative hyper-heuristics that aim at solving np-hard...
16 March 2016 4,086 24 View
I am trying to choose an suitable model for an online machine learning technique. I was wondering if anybody could recommend any good papers. Many thanks in advance.
21 January 2016 9,870 5 View
From the literature on this subject, I can see that some author uses benchmarks with one variable and some others with more than one. I am trying to publish some work, but so far my benchmarks...
15 September 2015 6,134 3 View
Hyper-heuristics is a form of machine learning. Is it a fully supervised form of learning?
20 August 2015 4,083 2 View
I am looking for a TSP lib that would provide good heuristics and possibly instances of the Vehicle routing problem. Which one would you recommend?
14 July 2015 7,627 12 View
I was wondering if a portfolio hyper-heuristics mechanism could be an efficient method to analyse the performance of various algorithms. I am aware they have been used in optimising the choice of...
23 May 2015 8,434 5 View
Recurrent Neural Networks have cyclic connections. I was wondering how the termination case is encoded in such networks. Thank you Patricia
11 March 2015 3,401 3 View
I am looking to extend my functions with iterations and conditions. The algorithms I am thinking to generates would use both of them. I can only appreciate how challenging it can be. Has anybody...
30 January 2015 8,595 5 View
I am having some difficulties to find in a literature some establish time complexity for the ILS and TSP. Does anybody can help, please.
12 January 2015 1,207 5 View
Lin-Kernighan operators and others Ejection chain methods have solved successfully the travelling Salesman. Now the PMX crossover operators appears to solve well too the TSP with an evolutionary...
03 January 2015 2,196 2 View
I have been looking at iterated local search and memetic algorithm recently. Both algorithms have some form of perturbations and apply a local search. It appears that pattern is present in both...
07 August 2014 1,889 6 View
I am considering looking into Newton's optimisation operators. I need the current and up-to-date benchmark functions for testing my optimised operators. Could somebody suggest any current benchmarks?
02 June 2014 5,666 3 View
Given that many algorithms are optimised using a learning mechanism, a method to analyse existing patterns should exist. This method should indicate how different it is from the state-of-the-art.
27 April 2014 7,052 4 View
I am currently looking at how performance of automated update of datasets can affect advanced statistical models and ML techniques. I was wondering if cross-entropy could help stating clearer the...
01 January 1970 9,131 0 View