4 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Parsa Firoozi
Hello dear researchers, 1.I want to know how can I compute pooled effect size when we have three types of logarithmic Mean&SD Type 1. Log (x) with base 10 Type 2. Ln (x) Type 3. Just...
19 February 2021 8,431 3 View
As you know the nature of split mouth design is paired, however when we have both split mouth RCTs and Parallel RCTs: 1) Can we summarize and merge both study designs in one analysis? 2) should...
14 August 2020 9,810 4 View
If you know a good journal about the keywords mentioned above and the following features, please let me know. regards 1) isi - scopus or pubmed indexed 2) low impact factor 3) high acceptance...
15 May 2020 7,895 6 View
Hello dear researchers, I want to know how should we interpret significant results of a meta-analysis while none of the included RCTs showed a significant difference? is this because of low number...
01 January 1970 7,316 5 View