7 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Osman Doluca
The absorption profiles are determined by the shape of the aromatic moeity of the molecule but is there any study or software on estimation of absorbance of fluorescence profile based on molecular...
19 May 2017 8,362 5 View
I want to prepare dilutions of serum samples and store them for months if necessary. However, I am concerned if serum proteins bind the walls of the eppendorf tubes or glass vials and effectively...
01 April 2016 505 3 View
I have found a sequence repeated in various bacteria. There is strong evidence that it is part of a regulatory element. But I would like to find which part of this element is more conserved. Is...
02 June 2015 3,550 3 View
I believe I might have found a common regulatory element for a dozen E coli genes/loci, however I need to find further evidence, preferably using bioinformatics. Can anyone help show me how can I...
05 May 2015 5,093 6 View
There are several methods to study miRNAs from blood samples and most commnly PCR. To compare the concentration we use deltaCt as their unit to compare references. But I am wondering what is the...
26 December 2014 9,414 3 View
I am running an experiment testing HRP-activity of Gquadruplex and hemin. Reaction works and ABTS turns blue and I can read a significant the absorbance change within seconds. But my problem is...
04 December 2014 1,570 11 View
Soon I will try genotyping based on rRNA using isothermal amplification and I want to learn if anyone can suggest a simple and fast isolation method for rRNA or totalRNA. I dont need to achieve...
27 October 2014 1,879 2 View