4 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nur Ainaa Nabihah Mohd Ghazali
The frequency of gene transfer (Roberts et al., 2001) was expressed as the number of transconjugants per donor or recipient cell, whereby number of colonies x dilution factor = number of CFUs per...
16 September 2021 4,484 3 View
How do we calculate the gene transfer frequency when the transconjugant colony count is less than 30 (too few to count)? I use the formula transconjugant/recipient or donor to calculate...
06 August 2021 6,983 2 View
I introduced plant extracts during conjugation experiment and when viewed under electron microscopes, the cell wall and membrane became thicker and the lines became hardly visible. Any suggestions...
12 June 2021 1,559 6 View
Hi. If I were to supplement a 500ml media with two different antibiotics of the same concentration (10μg), how do I make sure the concentration of each antibiotic doesn't change? Apparently, my...
02 August 2019 7,080 3 View