10 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Noor ul Ain
When a polymer is soluble in water, how is it able to interact with the adsorbate molecules dispersed in the solution? I need some logical explanation regarding this phenomenon along with relevant...
21 May 2024 6,019 2 View
I have to propose a chemical reaction between two materials i.e. chia seed polysaccharide and acrylamide but I am not skilled in regard since its not my domain. Can someone please guide me how to...
01 June 2023 5,169 4 View
I have successfully applied non-linear langmuir and freundlich isotherms in origin. However, the fit does not converge in case of Sips model. I am unable to solve the issue behind this. I would be...
19 January 2023 7,557 3 View
I wanted to know if there is such a possibility since I have observed quite little difference in qcal values in case of both PFO and PSO models.
02 January 2023 2,387 3 View
I have applied both pseudo first and pseudo second order linear models on my data. Calculated and experimental qe values of pseudo first order are very near to each other. However, in pseudo...
07 December 2022 8,533 6 View
I am performing pesudo first order kinetics. In that, I have to plot a graph between ln(qe-qt) and time. SInce the last value of qt is qe, we cannot find ln for that value. How to proceed with the...
28 November 2022 696 3 View
I cannot find the IC50 value of 5-FU against HT-144 cancer cells, as determined via cytotoxicity analysis. I shall be thankful if someone help me with relevant literature.
16 June 2020 4,550 3 View
Most of the researches I went through suggest increased crystallite size after being loaded with a drug. However in a unique case, I have observed reduced average diameter after drug loading. Can...
19 January 2020 2,168 11 View
I have gone through some of the literature where there is written that it's possible that bimetallic nanoparticles may give no characteristic UV peak even though the individual metals may at...
21 January 2017 3,529 6 View
I was wondering whether polymers (natural or synthetic) which are acidic in nature able to adsorb acidic dyes or not? For instance, does acrylamide based polymer possess the ability to adsorb...
01 January 1970 2,782 4 View