8 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Natheer Alabsi
I have data of catch and catch per unit effort of cuttlefish for 2 years. The data came from artisanal hook and line fishery. Can we simply use the equation which relate CPUE and abundance to...
04 April 2014 2,416 4 View
As the reviewers currently are not paid by the journals, they do not devote enough time to the review process and this may result in publications of less quality. Conversely, being paid, the...
03 March 2014 3,750 41 View
Are there any differences between an FMP, a fisheries strategy and a fisheries policy or they are the same thing? What are the different components of each? What are the differences in their...
12 December 2013 3,208 23 View
Fisheries in most developing countries tend to be small scale, scattered over many small dispersed areas along the coast. Thy are also characterized by multi-species and multi-gear fisheries. For...
12 December 2013 5,468 8 View
Anybody knows about the life span of Cuttlefish. How long does it live and when it reproduces and how many times a year they reproduce? In my research area in the Red Sea there are two fishing...
09 September 2013 502 5 View
I have been recording data of geographic location of fishing activities using GPS loggers. The recording interval is 1 minute but usually there is a time error of between 5 and 15 seconds on every...
09 September 2013 2,634 7 View
To what extent does the social and traditional knowledge of fishermen contribute to fisheries science and management of resources in developing countries? The context here is fisheries resources...
07 July 2013 7,293 58 View
The data was collected for more than one year using 40 GPS loggers and was collected from a large area extended over 25 islands and most of the islands are surrounded by coral reefs. Most of the...
07 July 2013 553 17 View