17 Questions 58 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nada Farhan Kadhim
when we measure the specific activity of any sample using Gamma spectroscopy , we always keep the prepared sample in a locked marnilli beaker for one month or more to let radio nuclides in the...
12 March 2020 6,535 3 View
Dear colleagues Which can register more number of Alpha emitters for SSNTDs, the detector put in touch with the sample or the detector put at 2cm distance from the sample; to me I think the second...
28 December 2018 8,513 3 View
Dear Colleagues Which is more accurate in measuring radon gas concentration Rad 7 or SSNTDs ? When we try to measure the radon gas in any room we found that the radon gas...
23 December 2018 3,735 6 View
Dear colleagues when I use the cup technique to determine the alpha emitters of the measured samples by SSNTDs, how can I canceled the effect of using different weights of the...
22 December 2018 649 0 View
What are the radionuclides that may exist in the bone samples and emitted alpha particles when using the cup technique and CR-39 detectors? And what is ideal time of exposure we must use it to...
16 December 2018 9,989 4 View
What plants are characterized by high viscosity and large surface area and does these plants have a high ability to absorb radon gas.
14 November 2017 6,917 2 View
Which is a more dangerous radiation smoking cigarette or smoking Narghile.
18 October 2017 1,820 19 View
Hi Dears, One of the methods used to develop and see the latent tracks registries in the solid state track detectors with optical microscope is the chemically etching of them by some heating...
13 October 2017 6,881 6 View
Dear colleag, Does anyone have a reference about the transition factor of the radionuclides from the grass (feed) to meats of animals?
24 September 2017 199 7 View
Dear colleagues, If I want to expose a number of rats in a parallelogram cage with a cylinder gamma source of 100µc of 1cm diameter, what is the appropriate distance should I leave between the...
18 September 2017 6,484 0 View
I need this book or any recent copy of it, or any reference have the relation of calculating the absorbed gamma dose (D= Γ x A /d2) or any other dose. the book: F. H. Attix, "Introduction...
10 July 2017 7,187 14 View
I have an ultraradiacTM-plus personal radiation meter (a type of GM tube), give a pre-settable alarms for both instantaneous rate and cumulative dose. I want to know if there is any research...
01 September 2013 9,610 2 View
Why are some researchers' files deleted like in the below image.
01 January 1970 8,674 7 View
Who is the more efficient in the administrative work and leader ship man or woman.
01 January 1970 3,856 31 View
Dear colleagues Which can register more tracks of Alpha emitters for SSNTDs, the detector put in touch with the sample or the detector put at 2cm distance from the sample; to me I think the...
01 January 1970 1,904 4 View
Dear colleagues, is there any relation between alpha energy and the diameter of the tracks register in SSNTDS.
01 January 1970 5,944 0 View
which spectroscopy do you prefer Na(Tl) or (HPGe) detector? of course the answer will be the second one, because it is more efficient in the detection of the radionuclides , but why the...
01 January 1970 9,452 44 View