14 Questions 96 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Saqib Irshad
Dear Researchers! Have a splendid day ahead I am looking for suggestions for new explanatory variables for the gravity model of trade except for traditional variables such as, (GDP, Per Capita,...
24 March 2021 9,846 4 View
In your Point of view what are the extreme cause for climate change? And how develop and underdeveloped counties can overcome or resist against these unobserved issues. Serious replies please...
25 November 2018 6,795 7 View
Can you please share a Quote based on your personal experience of Life, Research, Institution, Job, Family, Wife, Husband, Children, Politics, Nature etc.............. Enlightened us with your...
14 February 2018 1,385 51 View
Dear RG members China already touches peak of International trade and becoming the world largest trading country. What is the real strategy behind One belt and one Road "OBOR". What are the short...
27 November 2017 5,546 17 View
Dear Researchers! I want to calculate inter-intra industry trade indices for Pakistan and China and other Asian country. Is there any direct way from where i can get data on different calculation...
16 October 2017 6,187 1 View
Dear researchers I am calculating Gravity Equation. For the OLS everything goes normal but when taking a country id and time fixed effects then Distance goes wrong. Can anyone explain this how to...
27 September 2017 9,663 4 View
Respected Researchers In gravity model, many researchers have involved dummies to check the impact e.g.( WTO, RTA, Region) in the form of 1 and 0. In my gravity, I want to check the influence of...
26 September 2017 3,898 3 View
Dear Researchers Like normal regression, we calculate Unit root and Cointegration tests but it is really important to run Unit root and other tests to make equation healthy while calculating...
26 September 2017 9,571 3 View
Dear RG Members I am calculating gravity model of Trade. Dependent Variable: 1.China Exports, 2.Total trade volume Independent Variable: GDP(Both countries)+Distance+ Absolute Per Capita+...
26 September 2017 2,164 3 View
RG Members I am dealing with gravity model of trade. According to the latest version of gravity to control for multilateral resistance, I should generate different fixed effects e.g. (Importer,...
26 September 2017 9,200 3 View
Dear Researchers Are there any other good models from where I can analyse foreign trade across countries except gravity model of Trade. Cheers!
26 September 2017 2,599 8 View
GDP weighted average of distance from trading partners can be used as a proxy for the multilateral resistance term? how to calculate? Formula ? In Gravity model of Trade.Please reply asap if any...
13 August 2017 9,512 3 View
I am using stata for analysing gravity model but not very familiar with Tobit and PPML regression. Really need help if someone can. Its Urgent
06 June 2017 9,300 14 View
A straightforward explanation of Climate Change: The heat from human emissions is roughly equal to exploding 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs every day. Historically, every time carbon dioxide...
01 January 1970 3,723 36 View