11 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mostafa Bakry
I need some books about the 5G NR physical layers
22 November 2023 1,682 1 View
How can one find the following integral using the orthogonality relations of the spherical Bessel functions
11 April 2021 1,480 7 View
I am actually using antenna radiation for hyperthermia treatment for treating the breast cancer. How could one simulate the temperature distribution inside the breast phantom using CST...
12 March 2020 3,427 2 View
I would like to calculate the amount of absorbed power at different thickness of the breast tissue using CST. In CST , the SAR results are found in 2D plot. How can i plot it vs tissue thickness?
05 March 2020 5,628 3 View
in calculating the Q factors of small antennas, eigenmode solver can be chosen, but with eigenmode solvers one can not use open boundary conditions (PML) in CST, which should be used for antenna...
25 May 2018 4,466 3 View
Hello dear researchers, are there any other methods that calculates the real component from the imaginary component and vice versa of a complex function different than the Kramers-Kronig...
07 February 2018 4,049 6 View
For all material science experts: I am not a material science student therefore I do not have experience with the fabrication and measurements. I am trying now to compound different dispersive...
27 April 2017 7,421 3 View
I would like to fit some data sets. I read that LEVMW is the best program. does anyone has this program or a link for it? Or are there other programms better than LEVMW?
23 March 2017 2,682 1 View
I desire to derive the values of the real permittivity from the imaginary permittivity ore vice versa using KK relations. It is known in KK equations that the integrands are defined in the bound...
30 December 2016 4,296 3 View
If I have a general integral equation with a semi-bounded limits from zero to infinity and I want to apply this equation on some deterministic values. The integration in this case must be...
20 December 2016 5,435 4 View
I would like to insert an AC current source on my design, e.g, If I have simply a dielectric substrate backed by metal plate and on the top there is Three ports T-shape Microstrip TL. two ports...
12 December 2016 8,468 3 View