13 Questions 67 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mosayeb Dashtpeyma
Hello Dear Researchers, Given the potentials, and environmental and economic issues in the field of renewable energy, which type of biomass source will be environmentally and economically...
07 April 2020 281 2 View
Hello Dears, The future of all industries and life on Earth depends on the future of the energy industry. In this regard, choosing the best energy source and optimally investing in it is very...
11 March 2020 7,586 51 View
Hello Dears, Suppose that you're developing a technology acceptance model (TAM) in a case. Could you tell me about the effects and advantages of including "Several Independent Variables" into the...
20 January 2020 8,299 5 View
Hello Dear Researchers, Actually, I need to find a free and comprehensive reference, in order to learn all steps of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis theoretically, practically and exactly in...
28 March 2019 4,649 4 View
ANOVA is a useful quantitative method for analyzing the variances when there are lots of groups and variables. But, could you suggest me a novel and better method in this way?
31 December 2018 8,099 7 View
Hello Researchers, Energy is one of the most influential sectors in recent years. So, optimal management of this sector will be of great importance. In your opinion, what will be the energy...
01 January 1970 3,546 20 View
Hello Dears, If you are interested in learning about developing a resilient system in solar energy management sector, please click the following link (It's...
01 January 1970 7,673 2 View
Hello Dears; There are about 70 items and 30 cases in my research study in order to use in Factor Analysis in SPSS. There is an error: correlation matrix is not positive definite. What can I do...
01 January 1970 2,462 18 View
Hello Dears; Most researchers consider eigenvalue>1 as a standard for selecting the number of factors in EFA methodology. In your opinion, how can I determine the number of factors manually...
01 January 1970 2,478 14 View
Dear Researchers, I am delighted to announce that our new article entitled “Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Supply Chain Resilience: A Conceptual Decision-Making Model” has been published in the...
01 January 1970 1,532 0 View
Dear Researchers, I am pleased to inform you that our new article entitled “A Model to Improve User Acceptance of E-Services in Healthcare Systems Based on Technology Acceptance Model: An...
01 January 1970 7,481 0 View
Hello Dears, In recent years, optimizing the solar energy management system has become very important. The resilience capability and its’ quantity and quality can play significant role in this...
01 January 1970 7,975 0 View
Dear Researchers, If you are interested in the area of biomass and bioenergy supply chain resilience, I recommend the following two articles: 1. Forest Biomass and Bioenergy Supply Chain...
01 January 1970 4,720 0 View