5 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohsen Afsharmanesh
Ion sources come in various diameters (FWHM) for different applications. How much is the usual plasma- based ion source beam diameter for different applications (like neutron generators,...
17 August 2018 3,915 13 View
Focused ion beam (FIB) devices can generate beams with a diameter (FWHM) of less than 10 nm. What are the methods for measuring diameter of Focused ion beam (FIB)? Thanks Mohsen
07 July 2018 8,418 4 View
I am currently looking for a software to model vacuum pressure in chambers, considering outgassing of various materials, permeation through O-rings, gas flows into the chamber, pumping speeds etc....
27 June 2018 5,239 3 View
Dear colleagues, As you know there are some ways to compensate the space charge in positive ion beams. As far as i know depending on the beam current, energy, and pulse duration the following...
26 June 2018 9,424 3 View
I am working on Helicon ion source. I have some questions about RF modulation in this ion source. I would like to know how RF modulation will affect the ion beam parameters? How can i detect this...
13 June 2018 1,837 6 View