16 Questions 58 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammad Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan
Bottle drinking water contained many floc. What is the reason? This water produced from fully automated systems.
11 November 2018 9,759 16 View
I want to make some testing kit-like formalin for fruits, vegetables, fish, milk etc or carbide for fruits etc.
02 February 2016 7,296 2 View
When we cultured in bacteria by adding growth promoting factors for rapid growth, what happened in this time. At that time bacteria growth/size are increase or both. Please any one can explain in...
03 March 2015 9,584 9 View
I am trying to isolate an active compound from an HP20 water flow fraction by HPLC. This compound is not bound in HP20 resin or an SPE (solid phase extraction cartridge). When I inject this sample...
03 March 2014 8,227 4 View
I am trying to isolate active compounds from bacteria. I have used an ODS HPLC column but the active compound did not elute within this column. Can anybody give me any suggestions? My compound is...
03 March 2014 6,204 5 View
I'm having a problem separating a single compound using 100% water as a mobile phase in HPLC (ODS). My compound is more polar and it is eluted within 3 minutes when I used 100% water as a mobile...
03 March 2014 337 7 View
I used LH-20 resin for separation for small molecule from bacterial biomass. I used MeOH-water for eluting solvent. How I can equilibrate LH-20 resin before loading the sample onto the column?
10 October 2013 4,177 8 View
I extracted an active fraction from bacterial biomass through some chromatography. To get totally water free sample, I applied this sample into freeze drying. This freeze drying sample when I open...
08 August 2013 1,984 3 View
I ran my sample in LC-MS and got only one peak. But in MS, it shows three MS numbers and also indicate, these 3 ms ions came from same peak. What is happening in this experiment? Please give me...
08 August 2013 7,037 19 View
Sometimes we use a huge amount of solvents for extracting our targeted molecules. Some solvents are so expensive and for this we recycle this solvent for further use to save our money. But one...
07 July 2013 4,946 10 View
I used MeOH and water for extracting natural products from bacteria but active fraction did not misible in water methanol solvents for HPLC analysis. How can I prepare HPLC sample for for...
07 July 2013 3,065 8 View
There are a number of factors that control the number of injections any modern HPLC column can withstand. Some of the factors are based upon the mode: reversed phase, ion exchange, size exclusion,...
07 July 2013 8,890 7 View
Today's science is vast. It has so many fields. Of course, all are related to each other but they have different identities. All research purposes are for mankind. Some journals have a high impact...
07 July 2013 6,968 13 View
I am trying to separate my active compound through HPLC. When I injected my samples, I get more than 20 peaks and I was collected all peaks into 10 different fractions. After doing bioassay, I...
07 July 2013 3,056 7 View
07 July 2013 8,996 1 View
I am trying to isolate a growth factor from bacteria but when I used HPLC to isolate this compound, it gave three peak in different retention time. Why? Please give me some suggestions. Thank
07 July 2013 761 10 View