9 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammad Reza Salehizadeh
We have a stochastic dynamic model: Xk+1 =f(Xk,uk,wk ). We can design a cost function to be optimized using dynamic programming algorithm. How do we design a cost function for this dynamic...
07 May 2020 9,833 6 View
Dear colleagues We have developed a technique for revealing electricity market behavior. We need as much as practical data to show the effectiveness of our proposed technique. In this regards, we...
19 January 2019 9,282 2 View
Dear Friends and colleagues I have an optimization in which I have a nonlinear term in the following form: x(t)* a(k) where, x and a are variables. a is a binery variable and the sets in which...
13 August 2018 3,475 11 View
Dear friends, colleagues, and professors, I am interested in become familiar with electrification process in different countries. As I read, in some countries, such as Sweden, householders have...
15 February 2018 6,587 12 View
We have a power system in which generators compete in an energy market. Market clearing has been done and LMPs in all buses are determined. How can we find marginal generator?
15 September 2016 4,119 13 View
Dear Friends, Assume a power system with some power transformers throughout the network. We change one of the power transformers by another one with different vector group but with the same turn...
16 April 2016 8,281 3 View
High-penetration of renewable power generation throughout the network might increase transmission/distribution congestion. What are the effective tools in both transmission and distribution level...
04 February 2014 1,097 5 View
Dear colleagues, friends, and professors, As we know, we have very strong analytical approaches to control theory. Any dynamic decision-making process that its variables change in time could be...
01 January 1970 2,741 4 View
Dear professors, colleagues, and friends: Let us start a discussion around the concept of reactive power. I can define reactive power as the maximum instantaneous power that a reactive...
01 January 1970 1,525 4 View