12 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohamed Samir
I have a simple, but tricky question: I have created a txt file containing several sequences representing a single gene from 20 species, each sequence starts like a fasta file (with > at...
27 October 2021 6,418 6 View
Dear All We have revealed good results of certain fungal against cercaria of schistsoma. No we are seeking a good online tool, or any other methods to predict the extent of interaction between...
13 November 2020 9,898 1 View
Dear All, I am searching for a tool or an R/python Script that can take two nucleotide sequences as inputs and test if where they are complementary to each other. More specifically, one of these...
27 December 2019 5,550 3 View
I have a list of miRNAs and a list of predicted target mRNAs. The mRNA targets were created by other ways. I am searching for a tool to test whether an interaction (binding) could exist between...
23 September 2018 5,571 3 View
Dear All, Could any body help me in finding the best statistical/model to see the un-measured titres of virus in a time points that extend beyond the ones I measured. For instance I am testing...
19 August 2018 405 2 View
Some times I got a positive signals ( Ct around 37) in the NTC in a SYBR green based real time PCR run. I am amplifying gene for Influenza virus. I still have these signals even in a low...
29 May 2014 2,978 32 View
Some of my colleagues infected ducks with H5N1 virus, but they collected organs from one animal per time point. This means that we do not have biological replicate. How can I measure relatively...
06 April 2014 3,836 3 View
Could anyone give me help. I sent a homogenized sample from ducks to a Bioanalyzer unite to make a quality assurance test prior to small RNA seq. Some of the samples came without RIN. Some of...
15 February 2014 2,429 1 View
I am going to compare miRNA profiling of different cells infected with H1N1 virus. I will fix them using a MOI of 10. Is there a problem using a high MOI, if I use it in all experiments?
19 January 2014 9,732 2 View
Dear All, I have 500 miRNAs with expressed read counts in 20 conditions. In the same 20 conditions, I have measurments of lymphocyte counts. I would like to see how the miRNAs counts are...
01 January 1970 7,035 5 View
Dear All, Could any one guide me to obtain the sequences of the 3' UTR of human genes, to then use it in another analyses ? I knew it can be done via Biomart queries, but are there a guide for a...
01 January 1970 2,289 3 View
Dear All, I have data about the expression of genes (binary data being present or absent by PCR) in 500 isolate of certain bacteria from different reservoirs (e.g. humans, cattle, sheep, and...
01 January 1970 9,274 4 View