14 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mithra K
What would be the optimum dilution of microgels that should be used in the case of FE-SEM sample preparation? I would be using a glass substrate for imaging. I will either spin coat or dry the...
14 April 2016 7,078 4 View
Is it mandatory that in the case of determination of sol-gel transition of a hydrogel G' and G'' cross? In my case I am running isothermal scans to determine the sol-gel transition, but G'and G''...
03 March 2016 9,464 3 View
As it is a known fact that in order to determine the sol-gel point in a hydrogel by rheology we should look at a point where there is a crossover between G' and G''. But when I do a temperature...
17 December 2015 4,538 10 View
I have prepared a microgel (solvent water) and during the process I have added NaOH to maintain the pH of the solution as 12. Microgels have formed. Now when I do DLS experiments I saw that the...
10 October 2015 9,738 5 View
I have prepared microgel particles whose size should be around 100-150 nm. I have filtered the sample with the help of 250nm filter. But when I am carrying out the dynamic light scattering...
23 July 2015 5,731 8 View
I have Divinyl sulfone (DVS) which is in the form of a colourless liquid. On the bottle the specifications are 25g.(doesnot mention the volume in which it is dissolved!) Now my question is if I...
06 July 2015 2,536 3 View
If I prepare PNIPAM microgel sample for DLS experiments, and if I want to study the effect of salts lets say NaCl(0.01M), how can I determine the concentration of the microgel sample?
29 June 2015 2,940 1 View
In the figure given below, they have measured the relative viscosity of the microgels by varying the polymer concentration c(wt%). I had a doubt that, here whether they have prepared different...
26 May 2015 9,932 8 View
Does anyone have literature talking about the synthesis of polyacrylamide microgels/nanogels by using acrylamide monomer? Thanks a ton.
20 May 2015 9,478 6 View
In the formula for the turbidity measurement from UV-Vis data, it is given that turbidity=(2.3*A)/L, where A is the absorbance and L is the optical path length. Can anyone tell me why there is a...
13 March 2015 1,216 8 View
20 January 2015 9,303 3 View
Does anyone know the procedure of removing the inhibitor from the monomer acrylic acid? Is it necessary to do so in order to achieve polymerization?
04 September 2014 1,008 16 View
I wanted to quote a few examples of chemical hydrogels which posses a neutral charge.(non-ionic). Some examples I have are PEG,PEO,PVME etc. Are there any other polymer hydrogels which posses...
10 July 2014 895 5 View
While reading a paper I came across a method to prepare a hydrogel. It mentioned that the fully hydrated suspension was incubated in a sealed flask at 95 °C for 8 h. Is it equivalent to heating in...
26 May 2014 4,960 5 View