11 Questions 2 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Min Gui Jang
For a drug that is practically insoluble in water and sparingly soluble in ethanol and DMSO, how may each of the following factors be manipulated to maximize the drug exposure when applied into a...
18 April 2022 4,690 1 View
If a drug that's known to inhibit STAT3 and cause mitochondrial uncoupling results in cytotoxicity that is unique to SU-DHL-1 cell line but not in other cancer cells, what may be the reason for this?
29 October 2021 3,228 2 View
If a particular compound is able to induce STAT3 degradation in SU-DHL-1(lymphoma) and K562(lymphoblast) cell lines but not in KG-1(bone-marrow) cell line, what may be the cause of it? How is...
13 September 2021 8,143 1 View
The concept of using the innate UPS system is very interesting and new to me. It seems like most PROTAC E3 ligases consist of ligands for cereblon. If I were to use a different E3 ligase other...
25 March 2021 7,007 1 View
Disruptions in the mitochondrial ROS - HIF1alpha - Kv1.5 pathway has been the central focus in causing pulmonary vasoconstriction. How would starving a cell of proline-rich peptide formation via...
12 March 2021 9,169 1 View
I need to examine the in vitro antiviral activity of a drug in the presence of a series of dilutions of human serum up to 40 percent (e.g., 5 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent, 40 percent). An...
02 February 2021 2,098 1 View
I'm in need of a reference or a method to come up with a protocol that allows one to get the protein-adjusted EC50 for an antiviral drug in presence of human serum albumin and acid glycoprotein.
28 January 2021 1,618 1 View
All literature data I came across showed that Ribavirin had equal if not greater effect in titer reduction, survivability, and body weight loss compared to Oseltamivir. The biggest difference I...
04 December 2020 2,431 2 View
Same drug and dosage was tested in MCT and SuHx PAH rat models but exhibited suppression of vascular remodeling in the MCT model only. What may contribute to this difference in results?
23 September 2020 7,471 0 View
I can fathom the idea of PK being different b/w dogs and rodents, but why would I be seeing a significantly different PK profile for the same drug tested on rats and mice?
11 September 2020 8,930 5 View
Some drugs appear to be more quickly absorbed by the body with smaller particle size while some undergo better sustained release with larger particles. Why? Is it related to the absorption...
12 August 2020 6,863 5 View