9 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mayukh Dewan
there are a lot of obvious negatives of undertaking a netnographic research in social sciences as compared to an ethnographic data collection, but in this pandemic, what other non obvious issues...
29 June 2021 7,884 7 View
also how do we not be defensive while writing an autoethnography? please do share your thoughts or any papers which can guide me. thanks,MD
11 December 2019 6,307 3 View
1. as compared to collecting ethnographic data, what are the challenges while collecting/ observing autoethnographic data? 2. should the autoethnographic data collection happen during the actual...
11 December 2019 927 3 View
where are we heading when it comes to autoethnographic research? with ethnography being very well accepted in the academic circles and autoethnography slowly but surely picking up steam since the...
11 July 2019 1,794 9 View
What I understand is social constructivism is distinctive from interpretivism. it's slightly more radical and it emphasizes on meanings which are socially constructed. It emphasizes that cultural...
02 December 2018 1,463 8 View
two questions emerge: 1. can Autoethnography be done by 2 people at all? 2. are we not mutually making meanings and therefore influencing each other? 3. can we be reflexive in explaining our...
23 August 2018 8,189 7 View
i have done semi structured interviews and memoing along with the field notes. how do i analyse the fieldnotes along with my interviews and observations?
28 February 2018 4,763 13 View
i wanted it to be called mutual autoethnography or group autoethnography.
20 February 2018 8,561 3 View
More specifically on vegetarian travellers motives, beliefs and how they influence their travel behavoiur
17 June 2015 706 5 View