12 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mathivanan Ponnambalam
I want a hardware which support MATLAB code code for my data hiding algorithm . Kindly suggest me the hardware board which support MATLAB code.
04 October 2019 6,584 5 View
Dear all What are the recent work in deep learning. how to start with python kindly suggest some work and materials to start with that.
04 May 2019 3,322 11 View
What are the sensitivity and specificity ? how to find the sensitivity and specificity of the cover and stego image in a stegnography technique .
11 April 2018 1,943 5 View
I have performed all the attack for my image cryptography algorithm. finally i need to test NIST results for my cryptography algorithm. if any one have the code kindly share the code. please do...
26 October 2017 1,317 2 View
I am working on signal processing. now i am look for DSP processor which support signal process. kindly send some supporting materials related to this. kindly do the needful
01 July 2017 7,955 3 View
64 is multiplied with a signal sample value. after multiplication the sample value changes 0 or 255 eg=>17x64= 1088 the resultant value of the above process is 255 i cant understand what...
17 October 2016 2,680 5 View
I am using steganography using DWT + Quantitative embedding processing and this embedding look weak because it doesn't support any attack. kindly suggest me what can be done to improve the above...
15 July 2016 9,026 4 View
How can I embedded data for a particular values of signal coefficient and what are the processing steps used for doing this process?
06 January 2016 2,071 3 View
In certain application of ECG compression Conversion of 1D Signal to 2D Signal is done using Period and Amplitude Normalization (PAN). there are several methods too how they are done. kindly any...
24 October 2015 5,772 2 View
I am working on ECG Compression as a part of that i require IF sampler. Which includes Integrater and Thresholding. I have doubt in Integration as well as in Thresholding. Please help me about...
30 September 2015 6,454 5 View
I want to know about Period Normalization method for ECG signal with minimum signal distortion
10 September 2015 1,409 4 View
I have done a survey related to Stegnography most of the paper with LSB, DWTand DCT. Please suggest some new technique of stegnography
30 August 2015 2,120 32 View