5 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Marwan Nafea
Is there any software that can simulate any type of coronaviruses and their physical properties? Is it possible to perform finite element analysis to study the physical properties of these viruses...
15 May 2020 8,401 25 View
What is the best approach to conduct final exams for engineering students, electrical and electronic engineering to be specific, during COVID-19? It should be considered that students come from...
25 March 2020 3,903 27 View
I am exploring the area of 4D printing and trying to decide which printer to buy. I would like to print structures made of shape memory polymers (SMP). Since there are various printers from...
23 February 2019 8,726 7 View
Hi, I am looking for a tiny IC that can divide the frequency of a 20 V, 10 MHz signal to be 1 KHz, while maintaining the same level of the input voltage. Thanks.
09 November 2014 7,926 3 View
I am designing a PDMS micropump, and I am using COMSOL to perform the simulation process. I want to have clear useful references on this topic. One of the papers that I am studying is "Geometrical...
14 June 2014 4,099 3 View