25 Questions 82 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Martin Bartas
Dear colleagues, is there some database or the online source where it is possible to find all to date known SNPs for novel coronavirus? Table, bedgraph, or some similar well-arranged...
22 April 2020 9,972 18 View
Dear all, according to your experiences what is a better approach for non-model plant RNA-seq - refererence based assembly or de novo assembly? I will do RNA seq experiment in Papaver somniferum...
31 July 2018 8,016 5 View
Hello all, I am wondering if there is any cheap method for plant cell wall disruption and getting DNA, RNA and proteins into solution. Obviously, there are many standardized ways: Liquid...
24 June 2018 4,412 10 View
Recently I have read interesting paper " The triplet genetic code had a doublet predecessor". Patel A. The triplet genetic code had a doublet predecessor.... What do you think about this...
10 June 2018 6,982 5 View
Hello, I am wondering if could be possible to align set of protein sequences (for example 100 protein sequences) each to each by any user friendly way. I.e. sequence no. 1 with the sequence no....
30 May 2018 8,185 10 View
Hello, I would like to ask if somebody know user friendly way to blast query sequence (protein or nucleotide) against custom (user-defined) database of sequences. Ideally to work on Windows...
23 May 2018 9,914 3 View
Hello, I am interested in obtaining set of all human proteins with the DNA binding ability in FASTA format in one step. Downloading one by one is very tedious for me :-D Do you know any easy...
22 May 2018 1,606 2 View
Hello all, I am wondering if there is any simple way to isolate intact (medium or high quality) total RNA from selected zoo animals. What is the best material for this? Fresh saliva, droppings,...
28 April 2018 4,816 2 View
Hello all, I am wondering, If there is some possibility to solve NMR spectra of multiple DNA conformers (such a mixture of parallel, hybrid and antiparallel DNA G-quadruplexes) in a single...
22 April 2018 9,913 4 View
Hello colleagues, is there currently any prediction tool (ideally user-friendly web interface), that can identify protein(s) which will preferentially bind my DNA (or RNA) sequence motif (e.g....
01 January 1970 1,288 2 View
Hello colleagues, I am wondering if it is possible to solve G-quadruplex structure by cryoEM technique...Please, do you have some experiences with it? Because to my best of knowledge, there are...
01 January 1970 5,597 5 View
Dear colleagues, The use of bacteriophages in the fight against bacteria experiencing its renaissance. Recently, I was surprised by the existence of virophages, which parasitize on their host...
01 January 1970 3,938 3 View
Dear colleagues, I am very interested in so-called protein sonification (see for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_music ), but I am quite a newbie in this field. Please, can you...
01 January 1970 5,001 4 View
Dear colleagues, I am wondering if nowadays exists some way (ideally webserver/tool) how to predict regulatory elements (or cis-regulatory regions) in my DNA alignment de novo, i.e. based mainly...
01 January 1970 4,208 3 View
Dear all, a few days ago, the big paper was published in Nature ( Telomere-to-telomere assembly of a complete human X chromosome), unfortunately, I am unable to find the final FASTA sequence on...
01 January 1970 400 12 View
Hello all, I would like to ask if someone know some user-friendly tool which is able to predict and visualize domains in my protein alignment. I have long protein alignment (over 1000 aa) and I...
01 January 1970 7,056 5 View
Dear colleagues, has somebody any tip to minimize plasmid multimerisation during growth of bacterial culture (E. coli, high-copy plasmid Bluescript). I would like to isolate whole plasmid only in...
01 January 1970 4,827 4 View
Hello all, what is your suggestion for choosing the best reference gene for qPCR in higher plants? My experiment is focused on different gene expression under various irradiance (only green...
01 January 1970 7,324 6 View
When I wanted to register at GISAID ( https://www.gisaid.org/registration/register/ ), I was unpleasantly surprised, that the access to more than 15 000 coronavirus sequences is limited by...
01 January 1970 238 1 View
Hello, is there any user-friendly bioinformatic tool to obtain last common ancestor of two different organisms and estimated age of their separation? E. g., I would like to know the last common...
01 January 1970 7,366 7 View
I am preparing a metagenomics experiment from the soil sample. I will use Oxford Nanopore technology, which has only limited throughput (approx. 8 GB), so I need to discard all eukaryotic cells...
01 January 1970 481 4 View
Dear colleagues, I am a little bit curious about your favorite TM-score cutoff when you are comparing two protein structures. Is there some "consensus" analogical to a p-value of 0.05? But yeah,...
01 January 1970 4,577 3 View
Dear colleagues, what is the best way (I am preferring a user-friendly workflow) to find the homologous sequences in my FASTA dataset? Imagine, I have a dataset of 100 protein sequences from...
01 January 1970 8,866 4 View
I am wondering what is your tool of choice for making a powerful statistical analyses and beautiful publication-ready plots in case of genomic intervals overlays, usually starting with a two or...
01 January 1970 5,507 4 View
Sci-hub webserver is often considered as a criminal platform, which allows scientists to download virtually all, otherwise hardly paid, scientific publications. But knowledge is crucial to develop...
01 January 1970 8,898 0 View