10 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Maria Christine Tankeh Asuncion
I was wondering if it's alright to use the same incubator and BSC for mammalian cells and yeast cells? Or is this a bad idea considering contamination? Thank you!
09 February 2018 1,403 3 View
One of the methodologies I would like to use state that they adjusted the pH of their protein solution to 9. However, they did not state how they did this. I am wondering if I should go ahead...
23 September 2015 1,379 6 View
I would like to monitor cell metabolism over a period of several days (possibly beyond a week). Which of the two methods is correct? Or are both okay to do? a. Make separate wells for each...
10 November 2014 5,052 7 View
I want to do immunocytochemistry with mesenchymal stem cells. I've been reading through different protocols and some mention having to coat their coverslips with gelatin or fibronectin whereas...
29 July 2014 4,228 2 View
I'm trying to follow the methodology in one paper that describes the staining of cardiomyocytes with anti-connexin 43. After the procedure for staining, the paper states that "Samples we're...
19 July 2014 5,180 8 View
I'm trying to measure the porosity of some silk scaffolds I made. From some papers I read, they did a hexane displacement method to measure the porosity. Part of the methodology states that they...
08 July 2014 7,394 5 View
We tried to compare the absorbance values of several copper sulfate standard solutions using Evolution 220 spectrophotometer (the traditional one), and the Nanodrop, but we we're surprised to find...
03 April 2014 9,422 3 View
I've read some protocols that they either add EDTA or dialyze the mixture against EDTA to remove the copper catalyst. What concentration of EDTA should be used? And which one is better, adding...
02 March 2014 5,206 3 View
How do you prepare a borate buffer (100 mM borate, 150 mM NaCl, pH 9)? How would I know what system to use (e.g. boric acid-NaOH, sodium tetraborate-HCl, boric acid-sodium tetraborate, etc.) if it...
30 November 2013 7,634 11 View
I'm planning to add functionalities to a protein molecule using certain amino acids in its backbone. I would just like to ask, why is it stated that "it is essential that amino acid building...
28 November 2013 9,697 8 View