5 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from María Alejandra González-González
I need to modify the blood pressure in a monkey while is awake in the recording chamber, and I am planing on provide a drug for that in the food or water used for reward... any advise? Thank you
09 February 2021 10,196 1 View
I need to assess trans-synaptic tracing, from the PNS to the CNS, I'll use PRV virus, I was planning to administrate it direct in the peripheral nerve (not in the nerve extreme) by a micro...
16 July 2017 1,566 1 View
Is it possible to induce cerebellar medulloblastoma? if not in cerebellum... in other area in central nervous system?
25 February 2017 9,344 3 View
Is it possible tu induct the formation of medulloblastome in vermis or periventricular zone in cerebellum in rodent? if not in cerebellum .... in other area in central nervous system?
25 February 2017 8,699 2 View
I used DiI and I traced very well some fibers, but a disadvantage is that when it's exposed to UV light in a microscope, loses fluorescence very quickly. I need a tracer in fixed tissue because...
13 March 2015 1,307 6 View