9 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manuel Urueña Palomo
It is commonly accepted that General Relativity has its own 'bare' cosmological constant that contributes together with the cosmological constant resulting from vacuum energy density for an...
24 February 2021 5,768 8 View
We know that it is possible to extract rotational energy from a black hole, and its also possible to cross the event horizon of a black hole and increase its size and mass. But in a white hole,...
20 August 2019 7,057 13 View
We know that time symmetry implies conservation of energy by the Noethers theorem. But is this symmetry of time, time invariance or time reversal? The first would mean that the laws of physics do...
17 August 2019 6,770 9 View
We know by the Feynman Stueckelberg interpretation that the Dirac solution of negative energy particles can be thought as negative energy particles going backwards in time. And considering that...
16 August 2019 9,531 0 View
To begin with, where is the mass of a black hole? If we are not able to define a location in spacetime for that mass, we could think just about the deformation of spacetime around the event...
01 January 1970 1,451 6 View
Ordering the Yukawa couplings from bigger to smaller, they follow a clear exponential relationship. Is there a reason for it?
01 January 1970 297 3 View
Newtonian gravity works in the range of low gravitational field intensity. For strong gravitational field intensities, General Relativity is a better approximation. Could Newtonian gravity not...
01 January 1970 2,792 11 View
Can gravitational waves be stopped? Gravitational waves carry energy. The sticky bead argument shows that this energy can be extracted: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bead_argument But Lee...
01 January 1970 2,499 15 View
I recently got this message with a rejection to upload a preprint to ArXiv which is currently published in a peer-reviewed Q3 journal: "While we acknowledge that this article has been published,...
01 January 1970 8,475 1 View