18 Questions 286 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mahmoud Omid
We will probably be dealing with COVID-19 for the next two years. The question of "when will we return to normal" must be put aside; the real question is "how do we deal with this situation?"
30 April 2020 8,760 15 View
When we buy, for example, electrical products, we look for the certification mark or logo (as attached) that proves they have been certified to certain safety standards to avoid electrical shock...
11 April 2016 6,930 84 View
People who are studying Humanities (philosophy, ancient and modern languages, literature, ...) have declined steadily since the 1970s. Why? Recently, I read in Internet about Republican...
17 March 2016 8,018 66 View
Many experimental results never see the light of publication day. For a large number of these, it comes down to the data being “negative”, i.e. the expected and/or wanted effect was not observed....
19 November 2015 6,919 87 View
Please compare greenhouse to open-field cultivation. Some consumers equate the phrase “open-field” cultivation (OFC) with natural products. What is your preference and perception on the final...
01 December 2014 9,126 45 View
By definition Energy Intensity (EI) is a measure of the energy efficiency of a nation's economy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP. High EIs indicate a high price or cost of...
15 October 2014 3,662 96 View
Environmental problems have global impacts. They are very complex and are interrelated with socio-economic factors, too. Problems like climate change and global warming, water and air pollution,...
24 September 2014 368 32 View
As you know very well the information sharing mechanism in PSO is significantly different from GA. They don't have genetic operators like crossover and mutation, particles update themselves with...
12 June 2014 858 56 View
Both of these functions (genfis1 and genfis2) take a set of training data as input, and based on that create an initial fuzzy inference system (FIS). This FIS can then be optimized by Matlab's...
05 June 2014 5,181 20 View
Constructing leading indicators (using technical or fundamental analysis) is very difficult especially for short-term prediction as in stock market prediction. Maybe a fuzzy DSS can deal in such...
10 May 2014 4,453 4 View
Various techniques such as SERVPERF, SERVQUAL / weighted SERVQUAL are being used for measuring service quality in banking, airlines, restaurants, etc. Is there a review on evaluation of different...
06 February 2014 3,371 18 View
I want to develop a stock market forecaster in Matlab based on technical and fundamental analyses. Is there any real-time stock market predictions toolbox for Matlab or must I do it from the...
31 December 2013 957 9 View
Membership functions (MFs) are the building blocks of fuzzy set theory, i.e., fuzziness in a fuzzy set is determined by its MF. Accordingly, the shapes of MFs are important for a particular...
13 December 2013 9,186 67 View
In all classifiers, the number of data points needed to adequately represent a dataset with a high number of features grows exponentially. This is known as "curse of dimensionality". Under such...
04 December 2013 4,118 5 View
Normalization is done to map the data to a uniform scale. For instance, when the inputs to ANN are on widely different scales, normalization is normally used to get the same range of values for...
15 November 2013 4,072 9 View
I am often faced with the question of "what are the advantageous/disadvantages of ANN over conventional statistical techniques?" by newcomers interesting to apply ANN in their research. As we...
11 October 2013 4,586 6 View
I know that the processing period for the publication of the open-access article is relatively short, but it has the high processing fees of publishing. What happens to copyright issues if we...
18 September 2013 2,815 8 View
Nowadays, ANN and SVM are the two popular strategies for classification problems. For multiclass problems (more than two) which one should be preferred?
12 September 2013 8,002 3 View