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Questions related from Mahfuz Judeh
When designing a questionnaire for a research, can we take one variable which consists of only one question or statement.
20 November 2016 5,442 52 View
Full-time academic staff are eligible for promotion if they fulfill all eligibility requirements for promotion. Promotion regulations differ from a university to another. What is the time...
22 October 2014 9,204 54 View
Span of control is most used in Business Management and Human Resources Management. The bigger the number of the subordinates a manager controls, the broader is her/his span of control.
11 July 2014 969 45 View
Corporate governance involves ensuring accountability, fairness, transparency and balancing the interests of stakeholders in companies.
20 June 2014 7,149 23 View
The selection of the right people is not enough. Management should follow certain steps to keep and retain employees.
18 June 2014 9,553 62 View
Environmental protection is the process of protecting the environment for the benefit of nature and humans. Do countries vary in the level of awareness of environmental protection?
17 June 2014 5,538 37 View
Task autonomy involves freedom to make decisions in relation to the job with limited control from supervisors. Providing high task autonomy may stimulate performance. What is your opinion?
10 June 2014 7,171 46 View
Employees seek job security, but do job security strategies and policies ensure that all employees will stay in the organization?
09 June 2014 8,262 46 View
Knowledge Sharing concerns the activity through which information, skills, and expertise are exchanged among employees. Encouraging knowledge sharing would positively affect organizational excellence.
21 May 2014 3,165 47 View
Continuous improvement consists of incremental initiatives and innovations to achieve best practices. All expectations and objectives should be deployed to stakeholders clearly. Providing...
18 May 2014 3,916 41 View
Balance Scorecard (BSc) was originated by Robert Kaplan and David Norton as measure of success in implementing business strategy. BSc added non-financial performance measures to traditional...
17 May 2014 3,422 30 View
Can you build a learning culture into an organization which is not ready for it?
15 May 2014 8,164 47 View
Can active listening skills be acquired and developed with practice? Should we fully concentrate on what is being said rather than just ‘hearing’ the message?
14 May 2014 9,162 47 View
Social loafing refers to the tendency of some members of the group to exert less effort than others. This tendency encourages other members to match the group's behavior, and as a result, the team...
27 April 2014 409 23 View
(Human Resource Management) Effective training depends mainly on knowing the target audience. Organizations should ensure that the resources invested in training are targeted at the right fields.
23 April 2014 142 27 View
Can technology help generate greater sales or increase business efficiency?
20 April 2014 1,179 23 View
Lean management refers to managers who maximize values for stakeholders at the least cost and with minimal wastage. It is doing more with less.
20 April 2014 4,644 18 View
There are many styles of leadership. We will focus here on two opposite styles: Autocratic leaders who tell their employees what they want them to do, and Democratic leaders who let members of the...
17 April 2014 8,616 89 View
When internal trust exists among employees themselves, and more importantly among subordinates and managers, business processes will excel. Effective management formulates and implements a...
15 April 2014 4,948 24 View
Performance Appraisal is an assessment of subordinates' job performance, which should be conducted in a fair and respectful manner. In the past, a supervisor used to make a secret report for his...
14 April 2014 5,328 86 View
A key part of the Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) role is to review whether universities (as institutions or programs) maintain their academic standards and quality.
10 April 2014 1,905 9 View
Both, competency and ethics are essentials to business, but sometimes you have to make a decision in spite of “we should” and “we should not”.
18 March 2014 7,777 36 View
Organizations are searching for excellence but only some of them have been able to achieve it.
21 February 2014 9,708 23 View
Career path is a long-term human capital investment with a powerful return. Will management in small companies be convinced to apply it?
13 February 2014 4,116 4 View
Employees seek job security and look for equal treatment in their workplace. Do job security policies and practices ensure that employees will stay in the organization?
12 February 2014 415 9 View
I find some difficulty when trying to explain the difference between the two activities.
16 January 2014 1,211 18 View
Some researchers use one-way anova to test the moderation effect of demographic factors on the relationship between IV and DV, while other researchers use the hierarchical regression.
07 January 2014 7,343 5 View
Can a moderator or a mediator affect the strength of the relationship or change the direction of the relationship between variables.
23 October 2013 2,202 20 View
Satisfying employees could not be enough to ensure improving their loyalty and retention rate. The influence of job delight on loyalty and retention can be larger than that of job satisfaction.
01 January 1970 4,780 6 View