8 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mahdi Alibeigi
Dear all, In every June, journal citation reports (JCR) would be updated. Does anyone have it? Regards,
01 June 2023 4,044 6 View
Dear All, Does anyone simulate the Particle and Bubble Interaction in MATLAB? Please attach it for everyone.
01 July 2022 2,400 0 View
dear all, thanks for help to connect matlab with comsol i want to plot a 1-D diagram in MATLAB from COMSOL graph and I face with this error! Error using ma (line 102) Java exception...
29 November 2020 4,785 3 View
Dear all, I hope you were healthy with good sanity. everyone who learns about the financial model recognized the sensitivity analysis but the problem is how could be simulated with MatLab if you...
28 November 2020 8,065 3 View
dear researchers i tried to coupled matlab with comsol and i watched the tutorial before. but an issue was confusing of how can be coupled exactly? it was 3 ways for coupling. 1.some function in...
01 November 2020 6,631 2 View
Greet how can be defined S-CO2 thermal properties in EES? it means that supercritical CO2 has changed thermal properties. are the properties the same as CO2 in EES software? please give me a...
30 October 2020 445 3 View
Dear all, As you may notice, there is a lots of misconduct, fabrication, and falsification in the newest published, it means that the author seduced the editor to accept. Also, there are lots of...
01 January 1970 9,547 6 View
Dear all, How could an independent researcher write his/her affiliation in the manuscript? Is there any needed to address home or her/ his quarter or home address? Please send me examples. Many...
01 January 1970 5,589 4 View