10 Questions 77 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Madhav Nepal
Educators/researchers in the field of science education research, can you share some tips how you analyze the pre-/post-test survey data? Thanks in advance.
07 July 2019 6,451 9 View
In our lab, we have been using bootstrap statistics and posterior probabilities (in case of Bayesian trees) to assess clade supports in phylogenetic analyses. I was wondering if there were other...
06 June 2019 5,283 9 View
Our preliminary data on White mulberry in North America indicates a shifting distribution-range within the last fifty years or so. We are looking for good articles that discuss effects of...
01 January 1970 7,038 9 View
We have two Native American undergraduates interested in chemical profiling of plant species with potential medicinal values. Can you share what methods you have been using for chemical profiling...
01 January 1970 6,935 7 View
According to a report published by UNESCO, 0.1% of the global population (in 2013) were researchers? Does anybody know the current numbers?
01 January 1970 10,166 1 View
We are working on the taxonomic revision of the genus Morus (family Moraceae). Can you share one photo of a fruiting branch of mulberry or herbarium specimen from your area, (and its Latin...
01 January 1970 1,678 6 View
Some programs list neighbor-joining method under phylogenetic analysis. Some papers have used N-J clustering patterns to discuss phylogenetic relationships. Wouldn't it be ideal if the genetic...
01 January 1970 10,021 16 View
We work hard and often fail to motivate undergraduate students in research. Research internship scholarships or capstone requirement are key motivators. Can you share how you motivate your...
01 January 1970 7,941 7 View
For a population genetics of a plant species, we are able to cross-amplify seven micro-satellite markers developed for another species within the same genus. All of the markers seem polymorphic...
01 January 1970 7,040 4 View
Hello, I have American Indian students interested in studying active ingredients in Acorus species. I am sure there have been some prior works. If you know any, could you please share such works...
01 January 1970 8,724 3 View