19 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Laya Das
Is it possible to have a matrix A which is invertible, and has repeated eigenvalues at, say, 1 and still has linearly independent eigenvectors corresponding to the repeated values? I require any...
08 August 2016 7,847 12 View
What happens geometrically when one multiplies a matrix A by the inverse of a matrix B?
01 January 2015 5,251 5 View
If one takes the autocorrelation of a stationary signal, and then that of a non-stationary signal, then would it be possible to say which one is stationary from the ACFs?
01 January 2015 9,673 5 View
In a multivariate time series, what extra information does performing multivariate change point detection provide than performing univariate change point detection of individual time series? Both...
12 December 2014 5,488 3 View
Consider a time series (stationary or non-stationary). I fit a linear model of order 0, i.e., an intercept to the data. In the stationary case, this corresponds to the mean. Now, when I calculate...
11 November 2014 7,074 13 View
I have a state space model - linear or non-linear. I know that there is (are) wrong parameter(s) in the model (the model structure is correct though). Is there a method to isolate the wrong...
10 October 2014 2,592 6 View
If there are complex conjugate poles on the imaginary axis (+jw and -jw) for a continuous system, what would be the location of the poles of the equivalent discrete time system?
09 September 2014 4,179 5 View
I have measurements from a system over a long period of time. During this time, the system has been in different states (for example, different controller tuning configurations). Now, looking at...
08 August 2014 3,392 7 View
When I change the seed of random noise generation in MATLAB, keeping everything else fixed, the performance of the EKF and also UKF (MSE, ACF of the estimation errors, etc.) changes every time....
02 February 2014 1,688 16 View
What would be the effect of a dc component on the fft of a signal with time varying frequency content?
02 February 2014 4,414 3 View
How do I create a model for Zener diode in Simulink? Is it possible using a MATLAB file, or configuring an existing diode model, and if so, then how do I proceed?
01 January 2014 7,537 2 View
I need to simulate PEM fuel cell data. I need the values of the parameters (resistances and capacitances) of the Randles circuit for the cell. Where can I get them?
01 January 2014 5,770 3 View
In order to take the FT of a signal, we need at least one period of the signal. What will happen if we take the FFT of a signal whose frequency is varying with time and we cannot sample for a...
01 January 2014 903 8 View
How cane we calculate the dynamic viscosity of humidified gases at a given temperature theoretically? Data is not available for fitting.
01 January 2014 799 0 View
Which models can be used for simulating EIS of PEM fuel cells?
12 December 2013 1,859 2 View
How to simulate fractional powers of s=jw in MATLAB/Simulink??
11 November 2013 9,342 7 View
How can one simulate the Warburg Element or the Constant Phase Element of the Randles' equivalent circuit of the PEM fuel cell in Simulink?
11 November 2013 5,133 3 View
I want to intentionally flood and dry a PEM fuel cell, and look at the polarization curves. Is there a model that will allow me to do that?
11 November 2013 9,994 19 View
I have an RC circuit to which I give sinusoids to recover the impedance. When I give the sinusoids alone, the impedance is recovered by dividing the FFT of voltage by FFT of current. But, when I...
11 November 2013 5,496 4 View