14 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kulthoum Ismail
CDOM is the colored dissolved organic matter. What makes the fresh water higher in CDOM concentrations than the ocean?
06 June 2019 261 4 View
Ammonium is neither consumed nor produced in nitrite oxidation, how does ammonium concentration suppress NOB and why?
05 May 2017 6,175 4 View
Can anyone relate these functions and explain their potential in real life applications? Thanks, Kulthoum
04 April 2017 10,063 7 View
The half-saturation constant of ammonium in Activated sludge model #3 is given as ammonium, is it for ammonium only or both NH4 +NH3?
02 February 2017 1,518 0 View
How the activation energy of 69,000 J/mol in the Arrhenius relation is calculated? Does this value change with temperature/ type of microorganisms/....? Any help would be greatly...
09 September 2016 2,648 1 View
Both Annamox bacteria and nitrifiers are slow growers and they both grow on ammonium as their energy source, nitrification is aerobic and annamox is anaerobic , shouldn't the yield in...
11 November 2015 5,432 2 View
if this organism could denitrify efficiently in the existence of DO, why do we need thiosulfate then ?
08 August 2015 7,816 4 View
what are the reasons that make these two reactions irreversible while nitrification reversible?
06 June 2015 8,051 2 View
Since the nitrite produced during the partial nitrification is virtually immediately further nitrified to nitrate. And the rate of conversion of ammonia to nitrite by ammonia oxidizing bacteria is...
02 February 2015 8,193 3 View
These two processes are involved in the nitrogen cycle. I wonder why these two pathways need additional electrons !
02 February 2015 4,455 3 View
Any function that is defined over the entire real line can be represented by a Fourier series if it is periodic. What if it is non-periodic?
02 February 2015 3,954 15 View
A system in a steady state means that the rate of change is Zero! what about the system which is in equilibrium?
01 January 2015 5,217 6 View
I am getting confused, Are they the same?
01 January 2015 5,797 10 View
How is nitrogen gas converted to Ammonia in the wastewater treatment plant? How microorganisms act in the nitrogen fixation process (which types of bacteria)? what are the e-donors and...
01 January 2015 6,571 3 View