4 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kevin A Rocco
If a polymer suture loses 50% molecular weight due to in vivo degradation, what % strength loss does that correspond to? Is there any correlation across various molecular weights or polymer types,...
09 September 2015 1,470 6 View
Looking to coat some mesh with PGS but it seems to need a high temperature to crosslink, potentially compromising the underlying polymer fabric... does anyone have any advice or protocols they can...
12 December 2014 9,694 1 View
If my company develops a class III medical device in the US, goes full FDA PMA regulatory route with preclinical trial followed by phase 1-3 multi-center clinical trials, can a competitor then use...
11 November 2014 9,506 5 View
Does anyone have a good method for extracting polymer from explanted polymer implants with substantial tissue ingrowth? The polymer can not be physically separated from the tissue, ideally the...
10 October 2014 1,650 5 View