6 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kelvin Leshabari
Dear Ones, I am planning a 2-hours daily short-course on a topic in clinical medicine that lasts 5 days long. However, I have issues in participants' compliance on agreed time for the course on...
22 January 2018 5,485 0 View
Dear Ones, I have come into contact with Mr XY (aged 65 years) a field geologist by profession who presented to me with a 5 months history of excessive tiredness and weight loss of 13kgs. His past...
12 June 2017 4,638 1 View
I have read a number of previous original research (including some reviews) that analysed the association between metformin use and risk of lactic acidosis. In almost all studies, the outcome has...
17 March 2015 9,306 4 View
We are writing a certain protocol for use in a clinical research setting. During literature search, the committee wondered one of the trialists proposing for a RETROSPECTIVE design in the proposed...
24 August 2014 2,449 20 View
I wonder, is there a possibility of a true diabetic to escape the glucose challenge test (OGTT)? I have encountered a patient with very atypical forms of presentations. He has a history of being...
25 April 2014 3,291 15 View
I have found a urine sample with Schistosoma mansoni ova (lateral spikes!) and wondered how comes even with the repeated sample collection and on an account that the patient has no any clinical...
06 April 2014 534 17 View