6 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kejin Zhang
Dear All, I need your help. I have a pedigree and seven individuals included and whole genomic SNPs' genotypes. Now, I'm trying to analyze the linkage and linkage peak within whole genome with...
07 July 2014 1,157 12 View
We got a typical pedigree samples (n=10, and 4 patients). How to make a reasonable genetic analysis to search the candidate genes? With STR marker? SNP array? SNP+ CNV array? Exon sequencing?...
01 January 2013 4,543 0 View
A candidate gene's verification should be a excited news, but some time, it is a troublesome things for us. For example, for many genetic disease, especially the complex human diseases (e.g,...
01 January 2013 8,094 11 View
Recently, I saw Bernd's work which analyses the difference between one MSI-CRC and MSS-CRC with NGS method. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3008745/). My interest is how to use Whole...
01 January 2013 3,489 5 View
Hi, everybody. The software LAMP ( http://www.sph.umich.edu/csg/abecasis/LAMP/program_options.html) can be used in the linkage and association analysis like the other related programs, for...
11 November 2011 8,879 0 View
Question: The freedom degree (df) number should be 1 or 2? when we analysis the distribution of certain gene's genotypes frequencies between case and control group by Chi2 test. As the...
10 October 2011 3,208 3 View