8 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kathirvel Maruthai
I am going to analyze DNA Methylation level in CpG sites and islands for certain candidate genes by Methylation Specific PCR. I have gone through the procedures but I am clear about designing...
12 June 2015 327 4 View
Hello All,I am studying epigenetic modifications in children with reference to disease condition. I have to analyse three histone modifications at the same time in a single blood sample by...
16 July 2014 3,051 7 View
I have a compound derived from a plant, and I want to look for its inhibitory activity against my protein of interest. It was already showed that the plant based compound is moderate in a toxic...
08 October 2013 2,091 1 View
I want to study the transcriptional changes in T cells in the context with TB infection. I have a doubt as whether flow cytometry or Flowcytometry with cell sorter will be the best one to do.
04 October 2013 3,857 2 View
I have a handful of primers, of which the details are unknown. In particular, I want to find the exact target sequence bases of the primers in their respective genes. So, I tried to find out, but...
06 December 2012 4,163 6 View
I am going to start my protocols in RNA isolation, both qualitative and quantitative. What difficulties should I have in my mind? and what will be the solution for that?
03 September 2012 1,887 6 View
While doing extraction of proteins by using ammonium sulphate as salt system, and if it is left to be in salt does it affect the protein nature such as denature, activity lose, changes in...
03 September 2012 7,045 13 View
At first, I am planning to de-methylate (existing methylation) my culture with 5-azaycytidine drug and want to inactivate the further action of this drug. Then I am planning to infect my culture...
01 January 1970 2,955 1 View