8 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kaspars Leduskrasts
Lets say we have a luminescent molecule which is highly sensitive to protonation in specific solvents. If adding a) AcOH and b) deuterated AcOH to 2 aliquats of the same solution a results in...
08 August 2018 2,251 3 View
Are there any distinct differences between -inter and intramolecular energy transfer in reference to excited states? Additionally, if for example twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) can...
08 August 2018 5,000 4 View
Consideration of phosphorescence and fluorescence properties: To narrow things down, lets say we are talking about a purely organic small molecule (SM) luminophore in the solid state...
08 August 2018 2,705 0 View
What effect does the external heavy atom effect (EHE) have on -intra or intermolecular energy transfer? Generally in regards to heavy atom effect and the resulting Spin-Orbit coupling ->...
08 August 2018 651 3 View
I have a solid compound which can exist in both amorphous and crystalline forms. The properties we are intersted in is diplayed to a much higher degree in the crystalline form. Info about the...
06 June 2017 2,497 3 View
We approach this problem purely from the sample side and disregard the specific apparatus. Non the less of course an integrating sphere with reabsorbtion correction will be used. Lets say we want...
12 December 2016 2,214 3 View
When considering phosphorescence lifetime measurements at varying temperatures which aspects does one need to consider when phase change occurs. Lets say we have a solid sample -> when...
01 January 1970 3,777 5 View
Its common knowledge that Oxygen can effectively quench phosphorescence in wide range of materials (e.g. Ir(III) complexes). Furthermore some papers have shown that in air the lifetime of Ir(III)...
01 January 1970 6,362 2 View