5 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jijumon A.S.
Please suggest a protocol for the safe handling of adenovirus for a person having chemistry background who is planning to use it for gene therapy by conjugating polymers ?
22 January 2016 5,428 1 View
If two proteins run in sds page with different molecular weights(having difference of 60 KDa),if both shows bands with same intensity,does it mean they have same concentration?
04 November 2015 9,465 3 View
Can anyone please explain how to quantify actin crosslinking in an acrylamide gel using any free softwares or any common methods ?
14 April 2015 8,341 0 View
Can anyone help me to explain while running my protein samples in SDS PAGE, Actin crosslinking doesn't make any significant increase in molecular mass comparing actin binding protein samples.
30 August 2014 9,744 3 View
30 August 2014 2,037 2 View