5 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jaime Castillo
Is there any direct relationship between chlorophyll content and rate of photosynthesis? or even in the amount of light, or carbon dioxide uptake of plants.
13 June 2018 6,096 21 View
Hello guys. I am just wondering if ventilation is necessary for a plant growth chamber with control system. We are going to control the co2 concentration, humidity, and temperature in the plant...
22 April 2018 2,359 3 View
does plant need more light as they grow? what factors in plants to validate that they need more light.
06 February 2018 4,843 18 View
Can someone verify to me that the carbon dioxide concentration in a closed/sealed system or terrarium lowers in day time? Our goal is to determine the carbon dioxide intake of a plant a plant. The...
24 January 2018 7,975 3 View
Hi. We are currently working on a project that aims to supply the light needed by the plant. We come across a research that the growth phase of the plant i.e. seedling stage, vegetative stage,...
08 January 2018 1,178 8 View