14 Questions 52 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jacob Y. Stein
I am seeking a philosophical perspective that argues that all things, invariably, have both positive and negative aspects. Put otherwise, I am seeking a "Zebra Philosophy", so to speak, that saya...
02 February 2018 818 13 View
I am seeking literature about the meaning of experiences, and what it is that makes experiences meaningful. Granted, there are several meanings to the terms "meaning" and "meaningful". I guess the...
01 January 2017 1,258 1 View
It is known that academic papers are expected to exhibit sophisticated language, to some extent. On the other side, writing should be as accessible as possible (i.e., simple). The question is...
05 May 2016 4,083 10 View
Many journals indicate word or page limitations for submitted manuscripts. However, upon requests for revisions often manuscripts must be expanded. The question is to what extent to the initial...
01 January 2016 6,206 3 View
I have study wherein the findings include 5 categories consisting of 13 sub-categories, as well as an additional 10 resulting effects of these 5 categories' confluence. This is a huge amount of...
12 December 2015 4,654 6 View
I want to upload my work, but fear that this is not permissable considering journals' copyright privilages. Am I correct to fear?
02 February 2015 5,207 1 View
Any advice and fruitful experience would be vey much appreciated.
02 February 2015 1,691 4 View
I am putting together a (hopefully) comprehensive list of literature on various topics of qualitative research. I would appreciate any recommendations on the following: queer studies arts based...
02 February 2015 1,030 24 View
I remember being told during my studies that in QR one does not ask "questions" of the data, but rather sets objectives or goals for the research. As far as I can understand, this is guided by the...
07 July 2014 7,023 11 View
What I am searching for is a journal in which it may be also possilbe to introduce a concept in psychology (specifically relational psychology as I am interested in the field of loneliness), and...
07 July 2014 4,509 0 View
I an trying to integrate various conceptualizations of the experience of loneliness. To date, there have been many attempts to define the experience, and except for one study, all accounts are...
07 July 2013 1,637 9 View
I guess what I am asking is not only if this is possible, but also how would such a study be done? And what are it's advantages and disadvateges? How vulnerable is it to criticism?
07 July 2013 9,174 8 View
I am looking for a software that is both user friendly and can be installed on more than one computer so I can distribute it to my research team.
10 October 2012 3,901 7 View
I am conducting research that attempts to shed light on the characteristics of one phenomena (let's say "love") in the experience of those who have undergone a specific experience (may it be...
06 June 2012 7,980 15 View