7 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Indula Munasinghe
If the noise source is a high power RF source at 13.56 MHz, what would be the best possible frequency range to transmit a signal to minimize the corruption and filter it more easily ? Should it be...
18 November 2019 1,859 6 View
Is it possible to use normal rectifiers in this matter since capacitances of the diodes affect at this frequency? Is there any simple way to extract DC voltage using RF power?
11 November 2019 3,362 3 View
I'm building a PCB which works in megahertz range that needs to be impedance matched with the measuring equipment. My question is if I added impedance control to every trace, for say 50 OHM, of...
20 October 2019 1,002 4 View
I need to implement a metal disk-like probe that would be open to a RF powered plasma. To prevent the contamination of the plasma I need to know a metal that is least reactive to the plasma. Does...
12 September 2019 1,520 0 View
Is it possible to use the same low level DC measuring methods such as electrometers , nanovoltmeters and picoammeters for low level AC measurements? I'm using the following guide to learn about...
30 August 2019 2,980 11 View
My project focuses on making a plasma density measuring sensor for a PE-CVD chamber (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Chamber) . It has a capacitively coupled plasma which is powered by...
23 August 2019 9,719 5 View
My research project intends to make a plasma generating chamber and due to the applied high voltage, there is a possibility of creating X-ray. The voltage I intend to apply is 20,000 volts and the...
04 July 2019 7,051 3 View