21 Questions 120 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ilian Peruhov
I would be very thankful if somebody helps me with some practical advices about producing twin photons? I know that twins are produced after a laser ray is directed on a BBO crystal. After the BBO...
15 May 2024 9,170 2 View
In path integral formulation of QM Feynman show that for a photon every possible path should be taken. I'm puzzled how this must be applied for entangled photons. Let there is a pair starting at...
06 May 2024 7,332 7 View
If we make a hollow tube and create vacuum inside, than apply negative voltage on the wall - what will be the movement of electrons inside when we apply voltage at the ends of this tube? Is it not...
13 November 2021 4,978 10 View
My specialty is quantum physics but because of the pandemium I was interested in physical methods applied to virology. Today's physics is at nanolevel manufacturing so I suppose it can solve...
27 April 2020 2,675 1 View
I understand what is two photos to be entangled in polarization. Or two electrons in spin. What are the basics of path entanglement? Are the photons SPDC 0 and I path entangled? What happens two...
08 January 2019 4,158 0 View
In the Feymann QED strange theory of light he describes the partial reflection. There he mention that Newton made an experiment which poined for intereference of 34 000 wavelenghts thick...
30 April 2017 5,901 25 View
I would like to put to the critic of the RG participants a hypothesis about the nature of the wave function (WF) - more specifically about WF collapse. According to it: the particle is a real...
20 June 2016 7,510 9 View
When an electron passes thru a magnet (like in the Stern-Gerlach experiment) the projection of its spin changes. The biggest change is when the projection is perpendicular to the magnetic field....
03 May 2016 6,743 25 View
When a left (right) polarized photon reflects from a birefringent plate it changes its polarization to right (left). The internal orbital momentum of the photon thus changes by 2hbar. The orbital...
30 March 2016 4,398 8 View
Dirac pointed out that a linear polarized photon is a superposition of right and left polarized photons. Is there an experimental way to split them?
29 January 2016 9,293 20 View
It is well known that classical wave theory (and EM theory) doesn't have problems whatsoever to explain (single slit) diffraction. But as EM radiation is in fact always registered as a packet of...
28 April 2015 3,601 13 View
What are the conditions to achieve this? Is it sufficient that the relative velocity between ion and electron and hence the subsequent kinetic energy is below excitation energy to next energy...
10 November 2014 4,602 21 View
Suppose one sends a single photon through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). QM says the photon is in both arms at the same time before leaving MZI. Now suppose the second beamsplitter is...
03 October 2014 5,591 22 View
I need a calibration (gauge) plate in order to check a scanning tunneling microscope. For that means I would need two atoms isolated from other atoms in an area of 50 nm (or more) radius on a...
18 September 2014 5,935 2 View
Those who are interested know well the achievement of Dr. Atala presented in a TED lecture about printing of a kidney from stem cells. I am working in the area of physics so I was unable to...
19 May 2014 5,187 9 View
When a photon (with energy not equal to any transition in the energy levels of a particular atom) scatters from this atom, it interacts with one of its outer electrons and then changes its...
09 May 2014 6,557 4 View
Suppose a single particle (photon or electron) passes through a slit. It doesn't interact with anything. Nevertheless it changes direction because of diffraction of it's wave function. But the...
07 March 2014 5,182 30 View
We have the simple arrangement of the double slit, but with the addition of a precise clock. The screen is also substituted by a CCD camera, so one can check when there is an event (hitting of the...
01 January 1970 5,045 29 View
For the double slit interference (Thomas Young 1901) the distance between the peaks b on the screen is derived by the well known formula b=H.l /D where H is the distance ftom the slits to the...
01 January 1970 6,877 3 View
1. A photon hits an atom perpendicularly to its speed v and it is absorbed as is known immediately. So it can not act after the time when it is not perpendicular (e.g. the force is 0 after that)....
01 January 1970 6,298 6 View
In the Bible beginning it is insisted that God made the man as his image and similarity. That means that God has had eyes, nose, mouth, ears etc. long before making space, light, Earth. The...
01 January 1970 8,570 9 View