18 Questions 55 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Igor Bayak
Specifically, I am interested in the case where the product of two three-dimensional spheres S3 × S3 evolves on a seven-dimensional sphere S7, because I believe (not without reason) that here it...
05 May 2019 7,633 10 View
I have in mind my own case, when the author has neither a scientific degree, nor a scientific supervisor, but there is a scientific material in the form of a Математические заметки о природе...
09 September 2018 1,711 8 View
What is an action from the point of view of physics is known to everyone, but I am interested in the question of what an action is in terms of mathematical philosophy. In other words, I'm...
07 July 2018 8,472 4 View
From the point of view of mathematics, there seems to be no obstacle for a noncompact manifold to be embedded in a closed manifold (for example, the winding of a torus everywhere densely...
06 June 2018 774 9 View
For example, can it be interpreted as Lorentzian reduction of the length of the Planck interval action caused by the acceleration given by the gravitational constant? Of course, in this case...
05 May 2018 9,689 31 View
Is the hypothesis on the representation of the Riemann zeta function true by the product of the sums (or the sum of products) of the probability amplitudes of a random walk along broken lines...
11 November 2017 9,608 3 View
Are you aware of articles that deal with the Planck scale of the universe?
05 May 2016 3,363 2 View
Somehow it turns out unfairly - physicists use this concept, but no mathematics.
04 April 2016 7,590 1 View
Book: The mathematical formalism of the theory of everything ABSTRACT: Despite the philosophical orientation of the book, designed to study the idealistic basis of materialism, you will not find...
12 December 2015 5,442 8 View
Attempts to describe general relativity by a continuum in Minkowski space were made but were unsuccessful. Please see how it turned out in my article "Applications of the Local Algebras of Vector...
10 October 2015 6,778 0 View
For groups generated by homomorphisms of parity, such a connection exists. See the preprint (in Russian): О групповых конструкциях на произведении сфер Perhaps you have other examples of such a...
01 January 1970 2,765 4 View
Would you like to read (look through) this book? MATHEMATICAL NOTES ON THE NATURE OF THINGS By the way, book publishing shy away from such a proposal, so along the way I wanted to ask our...
01 January 1970 8,737 2 View
It would seem that the answer should be negative. However, if you think about it, the answer is not so obvious. Indeed, it is enough to take the vector field of accelerations (velocities) of...
01 January 1970 5,755 4 View
Let us have Minkowski space-time, which must be curved so that its metric does not change, and the coordinates cease to be straight lines. How can I do that? In this matter, a hint can be found in...
01 January 1970 375 4 View
Does the need for revolution hang in the air or do I just think it is? Anyway, here's my Manifesto. MATHEMATICAL NOTES ON THE NATURE OF THINGS
01 January 1970 7,564 5 View
Let the linear conformal transformations (homotetics and orthogonal transformation) act on the real plane (x,y) by the real matrix a b -b a If such a matrix acts on a pair of planes, we will...
01 January 1970 491 23 View
For example, such a one-dimensional model, in which the particle is a movable ring on the torus, and the spatial coordinate is the irrational winding of the torus, suitable for the role of the...
01 January 1970 2,871 5 View
My understanding of the question can be found on the link Instead of the preface. On the materialistic interpretation ... However, there is a text in Russian, and if you manage to read, then you...
01 January 1970 3,465 2 View