10 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Huang Wang
Can anyone tell me the reason of lower and higher turnover frequency values? In my case, I found that Standard P25 have higher photocatalytic activity than my sample (also TiO2 in the form of...
18 July 2016 8,770 4 View
Can anyone explain how to find out the graph between degradation rate constant (k) and temperature with the equation C=C0e-kt?,
12 March 2015 8,971 4 View
what may be the possible reasons of decrease in crystallite size at higher temperatures? I prepared TiO2 nanoparticles by sol-gel method and calcined at different temperatures but first its...
28 January 2015 8,377 21 View
Can the photocatalytic activity decrease in the dark beyond 100%? I mean the organic pollutant has its absorption peak 100% and after adding catalyst absorption peak become higher than 100%. is it...
26 December 2014 6,730 2 View
does the stability of TiO2 catalyst decreases with the passage of time? if yes then what is the reason. thanks
11 December 2014 818 12 View
Are crystallite size and particle size are the same? If not, then how can particle size be calculated from XRD data?
25 November 2014 5,859 12 View
how i can find out the surface area by XRD determined crystallite size of the two phases TiO2 ? please help me in this regard. Thanks
05 November 2014 6,287 12 View
Like WO3, SrTiO3, alpha-Fe2O3, ZnO and ZnS for the environmental remediation?
24 April 2014 9,006 4 View
Did sonication affect reactivity? I have to sonicate in the dye solution to check the photo catalytic activity of nanofiber. Is there any possible method to have photocatalytic activity of the...
18 April 2014 8,771 1 View
Band gap of TiO2 is high and it absorb the UV light, and used in PV as well in Photocatalysts. Why is the recombination rate high in this?
25 December 2013 6,827 1 View