14 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hadi Hezaveh
I am looking for different methods of mammalian stem cells freezing and thawing. Both in industrial and laboratory scale. Would greatly appreciate your input.
14 February 2019 5,573 10 View
I have been trying to stain my PEG based hydrogels for Fibronectin. I used Monocolonial Anti-Fibronectin as primary and AF 488 as secondary. What I have been observing was a green background with...
25 August 2015 7,676 5 View
I have been using QCM-D to study binding affinity. I pre-coated the chips with cysteamine to present amine groups on the surface and then use it to bind -NHS end of NHS-PEG-maleimide. The...
22 July 2014 2,420 7 View
To study crystallinity of materials, which method is better? When is it more accurate to use DSC or XrD?
25 May 2013 1,784 8 View
Which method is better to have an acid activated clay? Heating the clay in a solution of sulfuric acid or using a solution of sulfuric acid/nitric acid?
04 February 2013 1,957 5 View
Is there any surfactant needed? My MMT nanoparticles have hydrophilic behaviour.
29 January 2013 3,958 1 View
How does mRNA find ribosome in cytoplasm?
19 January 2013 1,965 2 View
I think they have ability to differentiate indefinitely. What is the mechanism that stops cells from growing more organs, such as lungs, kidneys and so on?
15 January 2013 9,517 1 View
Why are most English documentaries in a British acccent although producers/channels are American? Does it sound more scientific?
06 January 2013 3,184 9 View
I want to detect the concentration of Cu/Ni/Co ions in water using UV/VIS. Does any one know the wave length? do I need any detector to mix with my solution before using UV/VIS? it yes, what is...
29 December 2012 4,453 2 View
Especially when it comes to explaining about other nations, namely Persians. We all know that ancient Greeks believed that they were the most advanced nation and called others ''barbar''. I mean...
24 November 2012 9,482 17 View
From a scientific point of view, what is the value of short communication papers compared to review papers and research papers?
12 November 2012 387 68 View
Does anyone know about magnetic catalysts?
11 November 2012 4,538 5 View
What are the factors to disperse nanoparticles (eg CNT, Fe2O3, Ag so on) within the hydrogel network?
08 November 2012 7,659 13 View