25 Questions 71 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gerry/Gerre A Quinn
I was looking for the most recent antibiotic to be approved for clinical use that has a significantly different structure from previous antibiotics. Preferrably sourced from the natural...
05 October 2023 3,305 3 View
If you can change your lifestyle/behaviour, how soon can these changes be detected in the epigenome? How long (estimate) would this change be detected in the majority of cells? Can this change...
22 July 2023 3,922 1 View
I am looking for the WGS of a variety of Chickens (Gallus gallus) such as Rode Island Red or White Leghorn. I realize there might not be a great diversity between these breeds but I would like to...
22 April 2022 5,223 1 View
I am trying to identify some small molecules in a bacterial supernatant extract. I would like to remove proteins to make mass spectrometry easier. I have tried protein crash with ACN but the...
04 March 2021 4,810 4 View
Can anyone tell me the largest number of proteins directly extracted from soil ? I am writing a paper about soil protein extraction and wanted to know what sort of yields other researchers were...
31 January 2020 9,219 2 View
How do I order my data for analysis in Prism by Mann Whitney U test for nonparametric data ? I have two conditions to extract proteins in replicates of 3. There are many blank results in the...
14 August 2019 4,132 2 View
We are looking for a Candicidin D standard for HPLC and mass spectrometry. It is no longer made by the company listed on PubChem (alpha chemistry). Does anybody have any other suggestions?
16 January 2019 2,630 3 View
I performed some comparitive proteomics between planktonic and biofilm membrane proteomes using tandem mass tags. The mass spectrometry generated HCID and CID data . I now need to identify all...
14 August 2018 6,115 3 View
I am conducting a metagenomic analysis of alkaline soil and I wondered if there were any specialised methods of DNA extraction given the alkaline nature of the soil.
04 August 2018 2,232 2 View
I am assessing some protein extraction techniques and find that nitrogen cycle regulation proteins seem to cluster ! or are being depleted by some of the other techniques I am using. Are there...
02 August 2018 7,436 0 View
I had previously made a series of (modified SFM) agars at high alkaline pH 8----->13.6. I did not measure the pH of the resulting solidified agar because it just seemed a bit awkward and I...
08 March 2018 1,287 3 View
I have been using activated carbon columns to clean up protein samples. Protein recovery has been very low. When I use a large amount of protein i.e. 5mg the recovery is only 0.5mg . I was...
11 October 2017 5,655 1 View
I am testing the inhibitory potential of some environmental Streptomyces. Some of the zones of inhibition are not immediately apparent and you have to tilt the plates against the light to see the...
24 August 2017 4,204 5 View
After repeatedly sub-culturing some of my strains of Streptomycetes, I find that their antimicrobial potential is diminishing. Are there some good methods for re-awakening their antimicrobial...
22 May 2017 9,455 6 View
I have a protein solution with 4% SDS. I want to remove the SDS for later downstream analysis. I know a few techniques for protein precipitation , actone/ethanol, choloform/methanol, TCA/acetone,...
31 March 2017 8,380 6 View
I am interested in the mechanisms of pH control in Streptomyces through Na+/H+ antiporters. Are there any good papers describing the control of these antiporters ?
21 March 2017 8,493 2 View
I was looking for antibiotic genes/clusters in a recently sequenced strain of Streptomyces. I was wondering if the presence of 4'-demethylrebeccamycin gene suggested rebeccamycin synthesis ?
19 March 2017 4,103 0 View
I was wondering if there are any relatively inexpensive compounds that mimic the human skin ? I was thinking back to my days experimenting with Schistosoma parasites and we used skin surface...
18 February 2017 2,685 2 View
I am trying to clean up some colour from bacterial protein. Graphite columns work quite well but they only hold 100ug of protein. Are there any suppliers of higher capacity columns in europe (i...
10 February 2017 6,209 4 View
I was looking for a method to detect and measure oxytetracycline by rpHPLC. I have read many methods that use C8 or C18 columns in combination with formic, oxalic or TFA acids and acetonitrile...
31 October 2016 1,283 4 View
I am seeing a lot of background staining on pIMAGO kit for phosphorylated proteins on membrane. I am using PVDF membrane . All reagents were freshly prepared with milliQ water etc. Does anybody...
23 October 2016 9,825 2 View
I want to measure protein phosphorylation in bacterial cell extracts. we have a protocol using antibodies but it is quite time consuming. I have read of a method which uses pIMAGO and I...
15 June 2016 3,225 2 View
I am trying to sequence amyloid peptides (in this case chaplins/rodlins from streptomyces) by mass spectrometry but this is hampered by lack of trypsin cleavage sites. We have also tried...
06 January 2016 339 1 View
I have been trying to identify proteins extracted from soil using tandem mass spectrometry. I am analysing the tryptic digest ms/ms data using different databases such as NCBI nr, swissprot, NCBI...
05 May 2015 9,001 10 View
I am looking at the proteome of soils with a high humic content, however the analysis is always complicated by humic acids, which co-extract with almost every purification procedure. Therefore I...
28 May 2014 4,730 12 View