13 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gabriela Arias De la Rosa
I have been searching the literature about this and I have not found an answer. If the atom that accepts a hydride is made more electrophilic, can this speed up the rate of hydride transfer?
30 July 2020 10,141 1 View
I want to compare the stability of molecules that have the same number of atoms. I optimized these structures and calculated their vibrational frequencies. Gaussian09 gives a Gaussian Calculation...
19 July 2020 5,442 5 View
I have found some virtual labs on how to do weighings using a triple beam balance but not on how to use an analytical balance or quadruple beam balance. If anyone knows of a website where I can...
27 May 2020 9,205 0 View
I'm using electrostatic potentials to analyze which sites are the most likely to be proton acceptors in a substrate. Based on these calculations, the site which I believe is the proton acceptor is...
09 December 2019 6,162 1 View
I need to make some assignments in my Raman spectra and want to use a book to guide them.
22 November 2019 1,525 2 View
I'm reading about the schemes used to purify a protein from different sources. In one of these schemes, they used buffers with a pH (6.5) above the pI (5.7) of the protein to equilibrate a weak...
05 April 2019 6,054 3 View
Is there a free tool to calculate the percentage of a ligand that is inside a protein? Thanks.
20 January 2017 9,060 5 View
I know NMR and X-ray crystallography can be used to determine the structure of a protein. Are there any other techniques that can be used to check whether a protein has native structure?
16 December 2015 7,541 5 View
I am thinking in using this expression system to express dihydropteridine reductase. I want to know if anyone has used this system before and what advantages and disadvantages they have over other...
04 February 2014 8,483 4 View
I want to know if imidazole concentrations of up to 250 mM or 1% triton x-100 can interfere with this assay.
29 October 2013 7,748 2 View
I have purified His tagged proteins in the past, but I am a bit confused on how to purify doubly tagged proteins. I tried looking in the literature on how to do this, and I have not found anything...
13 June 2013 5,330 4 View
a specialization in theoretical chemistry. Thus, I would like to know which books would help me acquire a solid
07 February 2012 5,883 12 View
I need to determine the protonation states the complexes form by citrate and Zn(II) have at different pHs.
31 January 2012 2,234 9 View