17 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fuad Al-Rimawi
Milliq water is used for HPLC with UV detection , but can it be used for LC/MS.
07 January 2018 2,658 12 View
3-aminopropanol is a degradation product of panthenol (active ingredient in many creams). it present in low concentrations, so sample of the cream would have a large amount of cream. so what is...
08 May 2017 1,971 2 View
In a separation of a basic drug analyte from its impurity using strong cation exchange chromatography (HPLC), using 150 mM of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate at pH 3 and flow of 1.4 ml/min, the...
24 January 2017 2,639 5 View
Usually and in most cases peak area is used for analysis in HPLC, but in some methods (and also in few ones in USP) peak height is used. I am wondering if peak height can be used for HPLC analysis.
31 October 2016 1,160 15 View
In RP-LC there is a type of C18 column called Inertsil. Is there any difference between it and the conventional C18 columns in terms of separation, selectivity, resolution..etc.
02 September 2016 2,645 8 View
I am asking about the possibility of separation of an analyte like pseudophedrine and its salt pseudophedrine hydrochloride using HPLC simultaneously i.e using the same method? If it is not...
12 October 2015 299 7 View
Phenyl is not widely used in reversed phase HPLC separation as C8 and C18 stationary phases. However it is used in certain cases (compounds), where C8 and C18 do not work.
01 July 2015 1,568 3 View
In analysis of a weak acid with pKa of 4.6, using mobile phase of phosphate buffer pH 7.7 and methanol (63:37, v/v) and hypersil C18 column, the retention time of this analyte is not stable (it is...
21 May 2015 8,204 13 View
Antioxiadant activities of plant extracts are measured using FRAP and ABTS assays, and usually vitamin C is used as positive control. The question is what is the antioxidant activity of Vitamin C?
18 February 2015 2,102 8 View
USP methods are usually validated and needs only system suitability test. But the question do really they need validation?
21 January 2015 9,770 3 View
I am testing the potential of olive leaves extracts as natural antioxidants in food applications (meat products) by inclusion of different concentrations of olive leaves extracts in the meat...
04 August 2014 7,192 3 View
I am doing analyses of natural products using NMR andC13 NMR for fractions from plant extracts collected from preparative HPLC, but no signals appears in either proton NMR or C13 NMR.
03 August 2014 4,365 15 View
I am doing derivatization of different flavonoids (Quercetin, morin, rutin, luteolin, apigenin-7- glucoside, luteolin-7-glucosie, catechin, taxifolin) using BSTFA and TMCS reagent (99:1 ratio)...
30 July 2014 3,039 3 View
Quercetin and morin have the same molecular formula (C15H10O7) and molar mass (302.2 g/mol). Quercetin is 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one while morin is...
07 July 2014 8,782 11 View
Quercetin and morin have the same molecular formula (C15H10O7). Quercetin is 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one while morin is...
05 July 2014 4,179 2 View
In method validation (ICH and USP) they use specificity of an HPLC method. Can we say that a validated HPLC method is specific for a particular analyte (e.g. pharmaceutical or impurity)? What I...
03 March 2014 7,514 9 View
Does it need filtration through 0.4 or 0.2 micrometer filters?
01 March 2014 2,868 12 View