12 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Francis Jesmar Perez Montalbo
Hello everyone! I am currently working with other engineers, developers, and researchers in the field of ML and DL. We can work with vision, language, time series, and regression tasks. We are...
03 September 2021 4,538 6 View
Hello, everyone! Just wanted to know if I can first submit my paper to arxiv before I submit to a journal in elsevier. Hoping to find a clear answer. Thank you!
13 January 2021 5,514 3 View
Hello, I was wondering how much it cost to publish in an IEEE journal that is non-open access. Is there a direct answer to this? If also, can anyone suggest a good journal with a decent Impact...
16 July 2020 3,069 8 View
Hi, I'am looking for good papers that applied Random Search to optimize their hyper-parameters for CNN. Thank you!
10 March 2020 2,263 3 View
Looking for ways to how I can somehow get my work published on Scopus indexed journals? Here are some of my works. I'm planning to conduct new experiments and improve my writing. I want to...
18 December 2019 868 6 View
Looking for people that might have an interest in this field of research.
01 January 1970 9,215 5 View
Looking for papers with regards to the Pros and Cons of Convolutional Neural Networks If you have works related to this or have papers read before please share them here. I would love to cite...
01 January 1970 7,947 17 View
Can anyone suggest a low-cost Scopus journal that is not flagged? I'am also opting for a journal not reaching more than $500. My work is about application of ML and DL. Thank you! Hope this...
01 January 1970 6,646 3 View
Anyone here doing studies with regards to wildlife in particular? I'm interested on applying machine learning or deep learning. Anyone has sources of data or info where I can start? Thank you!
01 January 1970 7,659 5 View
Looking for informative applications of where deep learning is now, what possibilities are we currently in? Is there anything we could add to further improve what is already here? I would love to...
01 January 1970 6,182 5 View
Hello, I know there are a couple of open datasets available online. However, I want to have it unique aside from applying my model to known data already. Would there be a possibility that you can...
01 January 1970 6,073 0 View
I've seen some works that had some signs of overfitting and underfitting however the accuracies TPR FPR are looking really well. Though the final loss and train accuracy only had 2-10% difference...
01 January 1970 7,939 0 View